One Wisconsin Now Statements on Latest Data Exposing Failure of Gov. Walker to Create Jobs

Gov. Walker and His Policies Have, Again, Proven to be an Abysmal Failure for Wisconsin.'

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements on the release of U.S. Census data showing Wisconsin under Gov. Walker ranks 42nd of the 50 states for job creation between June 2011 and June 2012:

“Gov. Walker and his policies have, again, proven to be an abysmal failure for Wisconsin. The latest job data is in, and Wisconsin ranks 42nd in the nation for job creation.

“Gov. Walker has pointed a finger at the Greek debt crisis, legislation to expand access to health care, and the recall elections as the reasons for his failures. Everyone but himself and everything but his own misguided polices are targets for his blame.

“It was Gov. Walker himself who caused the unprecedented political discord of the last two years. And it is his Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), created at his behest and overseen by him as chair, that has come up short, failing to satisfy Wisconsin’s need to create jobs.

“Time spent inventing excuses and shifting blame would be better spent pursuing policies that would create jobs. Unfortunately, based on his public statements and track record, Gov. Walker’s response is more tax cuts for the rich, less accountability and support for education and renewed attacks of the rights of Wisconsinites.”

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As A Project Of A Better Wisconsin Together, We're Fighting For A Wisconsin With Equal Economic Opportunity For All