U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Effort To Restrict Abortion Access

Message to Politicians: Cease and Desist With Efforts to Interfere Where You Have No Business

MADISON, Wis. — The United States Supreme Court in a 5-3 decision today ruled a Texas law attempting to restrict access to abortion as unconstitutional. The decision in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt held that the Texas law requiring abortions service providers to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals constituted an undue burden on abortion access.

Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican-controlled legislature have passed a series of bills in Wisconsin seeking to restrict women’s access not just to abortion but also birth control and other reproductive health care services. The Seventh Circuit Federal Court of Appeals had earlier struck down a law similar to the one at issue today that was passed by Gov. Walker and the Republican-controlled legislature.

The following are the statements of One Wisconsin Institute Executive Director Scot Ross:

“This decision protecting the rights of women is a powerful reminder of why courts matter.

“Women have the right to safe and legal abortion services and the underhanded attempts by politicians in Texas and here in Wisconsin, like Gov. Walker and his Republican legislative cohorts, to strip away those rights have been ruled to be unconstitutional.

“A majority of the the U.S. Supreme Court sent a clear message to politicians that they ought to cease and desist with their attempt to interfere where they have no business. Women ought to be able to make their own healthcare decisions with their families and their health care providers, period.”

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