FDR, Kennedy Spank Reagan in Historical Ranking

C-SPAN’€™s Survey of Presidential Leadership is now out, take a look.

Of note:

– FDR made the top 3 per the usual.

– FDR, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, & Woodrow Wilson all outranked Ronald Reagan.

– FDR scored more points than Reagan in all criteria, including Public Persuasion and Economic Management.

– Bill Clinton moved up three spots, from #21 to #15, surpassing George H.W. Bush.

– Clinton is two spots above the elder Bush, ten spots above the younger Bush.

– Reagan ranked #17 in Economic Management’€”well below Clinton (#3) and FDR (#5).

– George W. Bush ranked #40 in Economic Management.

– George W. Bush ranked 36th overall’€”two places below Herbert ‘€œAt Least I’m Better Than George W. Bush’€ Hoover, and one place better than Millard ‘€œI Can’€™t Believe I’€™m Worse Than George W. Bush’€ Fillmore.

Take a look for youself at the above link and comment on what else is notable.

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