Scott Walker has committed waste, fraud and abuse

Scott Walker’s been on a “waste, fraud and abuse” tirade lately, conveniently omitting the fact that Milwaukee County has been swimming in waste, fraud and abuse throughout his eight years as County Executive.

Here are a few examples:

  • A “glitch” in the county’s pension system computer software deposited some $10 million in pension payments to the county’s retirees. That was after a $10 million computer system upgrade paid for just a year earlier.
  • And now, the pension cuts that Walker was pushing earlier this year will cost the county another $580,000 in computer upgrades, according to the pension board.
  • A county audit found that errors and omissions resulted in estimated annualized overpayments of $328,000 in the $11.9 million Milwaukee County Rent Assistance program.
  • A county audit found that Milwaukee County Program Integrity Unit needed a more comprehensive, strategic approach to detect and pursue child care fraud, and weak child care authorization and payment controls result in overpayments caused by excess authorizations.
  • Another county audit found that Walker, through staffing reductions, had concentrated the county purchasing power in the hands of just two people, overseeing approximately $50 million in purchases ($19 million centralized, $31 million decentralized), a disturbing sign of inadequate management oversight and a huge opportunity for fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars.

This is just five examples of the waste, fraud and abuse perpetrated by Scott Walker as Milwaukee County Executive. You can read about more examples here.

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