Van Hollen’s Gun Bravery From Behind Locked Doors, Guarded Office

Van Hollen snapped to attention and told whatever media would listen that he supports letting people bring guns into the State Capitol... but I know first-hand that the Attorney General's office isn't in the Capitol.

Time and again, scion to a Republican fortune and our state’s Attorney General JB “John Noe” Van Hollen has proven he is a partisan hack instead of the state’s top cop. Van Hollen is the perfect Roscoe P. Coltrane to Scott Walker’s corrupt Boss Hogg.

Van Hollen refused to join the John Doe investigation of Team Walker, but he is more than willing to have his staff consult with one of the nation’s largest Republican political groups to collude about suing to stop federal health care.

Van Hollen has pursued every potential improper vote and supported the nation’s most restrictive voter suppression law – and continued his call even though his witch hunt has found less than 20 improper votes out of 3 million cast in 2008. On this, he’s either lying or dreadfully incompetent. 

Or both.

But this one takes the cake. After getting poked by the gun manufacturing lobby, partisan Van Hollen snapped to attention and told whatever media would listen that he supports letting people bring guns into the State Capitol.

Interesting if you think about the fact Van Hollen has an office in the Capitol.

But as someone who worked in the Department of Justice, I know first-hand that the office in the Capitol isn’t the Attorney General’s office. 

It’s the Risser Justice Center across the street from the Capitol – where hundreds of Department of Justice employees are housed. This includes Van Hollen and all of his top staff. Deputies, Division Heads and presumably even the guy who totes Van Hollen’s coat and puts it in his car with the Promise Keepers bumper sticker.

And guess what? Brave, brave Van Hollen, who triumphantly declared he is willing to have guns in the Capitol, has a guard at the front desk of the Risser Justice Building and all of the floors in the eight story building that goes to Van Hollen’s office and staff are locked and unable to access without a key card.

If Van Hollen wants guns in the workplace, then this coward, pampered, do nothing should have to live by the same rules and open his office to the public. 

Another spoiled rich kid who doesn’t think the rules apply to him. Yeah, that doesn’t sound familiar.


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