
Candidate for Wisconsin schools chief backed biggest education spending cuts in state history, liberal group says

The liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Nowhas long been critical of state Rep. Don Pridemore, especially when blasting bills he authored that would affect police treatment of immigrants and require voters to present photo identification. Now that Pridemore, a Republican from suburban Milwaukee, is challenging state schools superintendent Tony Evers in the April 2013 election, One Wisconsin Now has […] [PolitiFact]

Wisconsin Business Owner in Romney Super PAC Ad Paid No State Corporate Income Tax During Obama’s First Term, Likely Not Impacted by Tax Plan Asking Millionaires to Pay Fair Share

MADISON, Wis. — A recent pro-Romney super-PAC television ad features Joseph Buechel of Wisconsin, who identifies himself as a small business owner, decrying the Obama Administration’s tax policy. However, tax records obtained by One Wisconsin Now show Buechel’s business, Natural Stone Veneers International, Inc., has paid nothing in state corporate income taxes in any of […]

Walker promotes public land accessibility

Wisconsin private landowners have registered more than a million acres in an open-managed forest program for recreational public use in exchange for tax subsidies. The report from a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel investigation indicated that in certain areas public use has been denied. Monday, legislators promised legislation to remove the legal loopholes in the hope of preventing […] [Badger Herald]

Let’s Be Honest: Rep. Ryan’s Wisconsin Visit Perfect Time to Release His Tax Records

MADISON, Wis. — A mid-week campaign visit to De Pere is the perfect opportunity for Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan to come clean and release his tax records for the last ten years, as has virtually every major party presidential ticket candidate in recent elections, according to One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross. […]

Tom Petri (R-Wi 06) One of the Richest Congressman Paid NO Taxes in Wisconsin (Major Update)

Petri, who is regularly listed by the Center for Responsive Politics as one of the wealthiest members of Congress, was the only member of Wisconsin’s eight-person U.S. House delegation who didn’t pay state income taxes for any years over the past decade. Liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now provided the Department of Revenue tax records […] [DailyKos]

Petri paid no state income tax for four years

A member of the state’s congressional delegation paid no state income taxes for four years. With tax record issue front and center during this political season, Scot Ross with the liberal advocacy groupOne Wisconsin Now said Congressman Tom Petri was the only member of Wisconsin’s eight-member House delegation who paid no state income taxes for any […] [Wisconsin Radio Network]

Petri paid no income taxes for 4 years

Republican U.S. Rep. Tom Petri did not pay any state income taxes from 2002 through 2005, records obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press show, and his spokesman blamed it on losses incurred because of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. “Tom Petri can shamelessly blame 9/11 for how he avoided taxes for his foreign portfolio, but it’s […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

While Walker Rewards Corporations, Pres. Obama Focuses on Protecting Middle Class

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding President Obama’s call for Congress to extend tax breaks for the middle class while allowing those for the wealthiest Americans to expire. “President Obama knows that a strong middle class is the only way to create a strong economy. It’s […]

How to Buy a Recall Election

Governor Scott Walker is not trying to win the Wisconsin recall election that will be held June 5. He is trying to buy it. As One Wisconsin Now’s Mike Browne says: “Given Wisconsin’s worst in the nation record on jobs and the cuts to schools and health care to pay for corporate tax breaks under […] [NPR]

In recall, union group says Walker cut school funding to give tax breaks

Critics of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker have condemned his funding cuts to schools and tax breaks for businesses and wealthier individuals… We rated Half True a claim by the liberal One Wisconsin Now group that tax breaks approved for corporations and the rich would cost taxpayers $2.3 billion over a decade. The changes aren’t a cost to taxpayers in […] [PolitiFact]

Billionaire Walker Backer’s Business Pays No Taxes

MADISON, Wis. — The business of Gov. Scott Walker’s “co-star” in the controversial “Divide and Conquer” video clip, billionaire widow Diane Hendricks, paid no taxes in 2005, 2006, 2007 or 2008 (the latest year for which records were available) according to a report from the Institute for Wisconsin’s Future. Yet, amazingly, in the video clip […]

State Targets Tax Credit for Low-Income Filers

Last summer, the state Legislature reduced the amount of money low- income families can receive in tax credits by $56.2 million. That put Wisconsin among a handful of states that are effectively raising taxes on their poorest residents in 2012, according to a study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. At the same time, […] [Capital Times]

Big Spending, Corporate Funded Republican Governors Association Returns to Try to Bail Out Gov. Walker

MADISON, Wis. — The Virginia based, corporate-funded Republican Governors Association (RGA) announced in a press release today that it has returned to Wisconsin with negative television commercials attacking possible opponents of Gov. Walker in a recall election. But according to One Wisconsin Now spokesperson Mike Browne, if creating jobs, taxes and spending are issues of […]

Gov. Walker: New TV Ad, Same Falsehoods and Failed Policies

One Wisconsin Now Deputy Director Mike Browne made the following statement regarding Gov. Scott Walker’s latest special interest funded campaign ad: “Governor Walker’s new special interest funded TV ad is selling the same falsehoods and failed policies. The facts are that Gov. Walker’s policies have cost us jobs, hurt public schools, increased taxes on seniors […]

2010 ‘Lie of Year’ Award Winner in Madison to Address Gathering of Corporate CEOs

MADISON, Wis. — 2010 Politifact “Lie of the Year” award winner, GOP pollster Frank Luntz, addressed a gathering of CEOs sponsored by the state’s big business lobby today in Madison. One Wisconsin Now Deputy Director Mike Browne said Luntz will have his work cut out for him trying to boost Gov. Scott Walker’s record of […]

Scott Walker’s Rhetoric Versus Reality

MADISON, Wis. — Governor Scott Walker failed to tackle Wisconsin’s jobs crisis – posting six straight months of job losses here while nationally jobs are being added – and is now poised to take on “the truth” in his second State of the State address. In Gov. Walker’s one year in office he has failed […]

Recall Signatures Arrive in Madison

“In just one year, Gov. Scott Walker has failed the people of Wisconsin as no other elected official in our state has. Continuing job loss, while nationally the rest of the country gains jobs. The largest cuts to public education of our students in our state’s history. More than 65,000 people including 29,000 children about […] [Milwaukee Small Business Times]

Walker’s Latest Ad Repeats False Claims About Taxes, Jobs

MADISON, Wis. — The latest ad in Gov. Scott Walker’s multi-million dollar campaign continues to distort Walker’s record of failure on job creation and deficit reduction, including the false claim that Walker did not raise taxes. “Gov. Walker believes that if he repeats the lie enough, the people of Wisconsin will believe it,” said Scot […]

One Wisconsin Institute Report: ‘D is for Dismantle’

A comprehensive analysis entitled “D is for Dismantle,” authored by the non-partisan One Wisconsin Institute shows that despite claims from Gov. Scott Walker, Wisconsin schools are not failing, instead his budget cuts and disastrous education policies endanger our proud tradition of excellent schools.

Lawmaker wants state to split Electoral College votes

Wisconsin would split its Electoral College votes for president between Republicans and Democrats, rather than giving them all to the winner, under a bill drawing attention in the state Assembly. The proposal drew swift opposition from the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. “The depths to which Republicans in Wisconsin will sink to rig elections appear […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

One Wisconsin Now’s ‘’ Plane to Greet Governor at UW-Nebraska Game

MADISON, Wis. — Gov. Scott Walker, who gutted funds for public education, the University of Wisconsin and the technical college system by nearly $2 billion, will be greeted by a plane with a special message from One Wisconsin Now as he attends Saturday’s Badgers vs. Nebraska football game. The message: “ _ One WI Now.” […]

Big biz finally ADMITS use of extreme tax-avoidance techniques

From the Institute for Wisconsin’s Future “Who Does Not Pay Taxes”: It took awhile, but SC Johnson (SCJ) eventually fessed up to its tax-avoidance schemes. It started when the last issue of this publication disclosed that SCJ paid no state income tax in 2000-2008. This prompted an SCJ insider to release a secret tax-avoidance report […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements On Latest Walker Failure: 2,300 Jobs Gone

One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding the latest failure from Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican-controlled legislature: a total job loss of 2,300 from July to August and the unemployment rate rising to 7.9 percent. The news comes after Walker signed into law $2.3 billion in new tax breaks […] []

Wis. unemployment rate increases slightly in July

Scot Ross of the liberal muckraking group One Wisconsin Now jumped on the latest report. “Gov. Scott Walker and the Republicans controlling the Legislature promised us new jobs and they have delivered nothing but new corporate tax breaks and attacks on Wisconsin’s way of life,” he said in a statement. “This latest startling news, that […] [CNBC]

GE Move Shows Corporate Tax Breaks Are a Failure

Despite Gov. Scott Walker’s six-month sell-off of Wisconsin state government to corporate special interests at the cost of nearly $2 billion over the next decade, General Electric’s X-ray business just announced it is moving its Waukesha headquarters to Beijing, China. Walker and the Republican Legislature just handed out nearly $2 billion in new corporate tax […] [Wisconsin State Journal]

Nearly $2 Billion in Walker Tax Breaks Won’t Keep GE from Moving to China

MADISON, Wis. — Despite Gov. Scott Walker’s six-month sell-off of Wisconsin state government to corporate special interests at the cost of nearly $2 billion over the next decade, General Electric’s X-Ray business just announced it is moving its Waukesha headquarters to Beijing, China. “Between Gov. Scott Walker’s endless corporate tax breaks and General Electric’s endless […]

King Says Hopper Did Not Pay Taxes

According the 2008 article, the liberal One Wisconsin Now group obtained state Department of Revenue income tax data for Hopper and his five businesses. Since an open records request could take a week or more, and the elections are upon us, we asked One Wisconsin Now for the data they received, which was contained in a letter from the […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Ron Johnson’s Tax Information

Progressive activist group One Wisconsin Now is out this afternoon with Johnson’s tax information. It is saying: “Tax documents obtained from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue by One Wisconsin Now show Oshkosh Tea Party enthusiast and Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson and his spouse have reported an estimated $12.2 million in the last 15 years. This would appear […] [MinnPost]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Walker Signing Surrender to Wall Street, Corporations

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding Gov. Scott Walker’s planned signing of the 2011-13 Wisconsin state budget on Sunday. Walker’s budget includes tax breaks for corporations and the rich that will cost the state of Wisconsin taxpayers $2.3 billion over the next decade. At the same […]

Budget and State Health Plans

Opponents of Walker’s budget plan also say it’s laughable that Republicans are claiming to be fiscally responsible when they’re guaranteeing the future bankruptcy of the state. Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, a progressive advocacy group, said the cost of the budget’s tax cuts will “skyrocket” in coming years. “In the next 10 […] [The Nation]

Balanced State Budget Comes at Political Cost

But critics aren’t convinced all will be well in Wisconsin. Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, a progressive advocacy group, said the cost of the budget’s tax cuts will “skyrocket” in coming years. “In the next 10 years, it’s $2.3 billion,” he said. “It’s impossible to say they (Republicans) are tackling the structural […] [Herald Times Reporter]

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce Protest

One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross, who also runs a site called WMC Watch, emphasized the $2.3 billion in tax breaks included in the budget for corporations over the next 10 years, on top of the $1.6 billion in cuts to public schools, $250 million from the UW System, and $71 million from the […] [Dane 101]

State Capitol ‘Run Against Walker’ to Focus on Walker, GOP Attacks on Health Care, Middle Class to Pay for $600 Million Corporate Tax Cuts

MADISON, Wis. — Massive attacks against health care, education and middle class priorities launched by Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican legislative majority are the focus of a “Run Against Walker,” scheduled at the State Capitol today. The “Run Against Walker,” a run/walk for citizens organized by One Wisconsin Now as part of the “Walkerville” […]

We’re Not Broke

With the mantra “we're broke,” Gov. Scott Walker proposed slashing funding to services and public goods of the middle class – all the while cutting taxes by $200 million for the wealthy and corporations. The reality is that there is no fiscal emergency and we're not broke.