Goin’ Nowhere’ Tour Makes First Stop at State Capitol
One Wisconsin Now heard that teabaggers were going to be teabagging their way to the state capitol Monday to convince themselves that members of the state legislature give two flying snorts about whatever gripe these bitters have.
We decided to greet the dozen or so (or in teabagger math “eleventy thousand”) with the kickoff of the One Wisconsin Now Sarah Palin “Goin’ Nowhere” book tour. Look for upcoming opportunities to take your photo as the cover model of the “American Quitter’s” missive.
So far the tour has gone from our office on State Street two block up to the Capitol. On our occasional tour stops, we don’t anticipate running into ‘Merka’s walkin’, talkin’ ambassador for illiteracy, but here’s one question we might ask her if she ever shows up in Wisconsin: Why did mention Mean Joe Greene on page 177, but not Vince Lombardi until page 333.