80,000 More Jobs Lost: Bush-McCainomics Remains Awesome!
The Bush-McCain economic blueprint of tax cuts for the rich and corporate bailouts continues to cost American jobs with the latest news that over 80,000 were lost last month alone. That’s on top of 152,000 more since the beginning of the year.
And McCain wants to stay the course.
“So my friends, we can fix this economy. We can fix it. But the first thing we need to do, my friends is make the Bush tax cuts permanent.” [Town Hall Meeting; Polk City, FL 01/27/08]
Then again, economics aren’t really McCain’s bag, at least according to him.
“The issue of economics is something that I’ve really never understood as well as I should.” [Chicago Tribune, 12/18/07]
Um, that’s abundantly clear, Senator Obvious.