Desperate and Scared Gov. Scott Walker Delivers Annual State of the State Speech
Election Year Rhetoric Doesn’t Change Record of Failed Leadership, Poor Management and Broken Promises

MADISON, Wis. — On the heels of an historic election defeat for Republicans in a special election, and, as his election campaign ramps up, Gov. Scott Walker today delivered the annual State of the State speech.
The following are the statements of One Wisconsin Now Program Director Analiese Eicher:
“Gov. Walker’s speech was chock full of the campaign slogans and election year promises the $50,000 poll his campaign just paid for told him to make.
“This was a State of the State speech given by a desperate, career politician willing to do or say anything to try to win an election.
“Gov. Walker’s election year rhetoric — blaming others, promising to fix problems of his own making and seeking to stoke excitement with base voters with blatantly racist appeals — doesn’t change the fact that his record is one of failed leadership, poor management and broken promises.”