Over $172,000 in Scott Walker Contributions Violate Campaign Finance Reporting Laws
Could Face $500 Civil Forfeiture for Each Illegal Contribution - In Excess of $150,000 in Walker's Case
MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker’s gubernatorial campaign failed to report the required employer information of top donors who gave him over $172,000 – a violation affecting one of every six dollars he took in his first finance period. Under chapter 11.60(1) of the Wisconsin Statutes, each violation can result in a $500 civil forfeiture, which could top well over $150,000 in Walker’s case.
“It appears Scott Walker might have committed the largest reporting violation in the history of Wisconsin,” said Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now Executive Director. “So many violations, so soon, from such an experienced campaigner like Scott Walker can only lead one to conclude this is intentional and deliberate.”
According to Walker’s finance report for the January to June 30 filing period, Walker reported $1.4 million in contributions. Over $172,000 in contributions over $100 fails to include the lawfully required employer information for the donors.
Walker’s widespread reporting negligence includes:
* Two contributions of $10,000, the maximum contribution allowed under the law;
* 30 contributions between $2,500 and $1,000 totaling more than $38,000;
* 235 contributions between $750 and $200 totaling more than $71,000.
A review of the most recent report filed by Gov. Jim Doyle reveals no missing employer information for contributors over $100. A similar look at Appleton resident Mark Todd’s campaign report shows $5,700 in contributions over $100 do not have the required employer information. Todd raised $6,250 total.
“Scott Walker is running his campaign as poorly as he runs Milwaukee County,” said Ross. “Looks like Scott Walker treats campaign finance laws the same way he treats Milwaukee’s seniors, working people and people with disabilities – with no respect.”
One Wisconsin Now said it is considering filing a formal complaint with the state’s Government Accountability Board.