Kim Simac’s disappearing act
First, Kim “Leader Who Won’t Run Away” Simac started running from public debates. And now it appears, she is disappearing altogether.
See, Kim Simac (R-Northwoods) is the founder of the fanatical tea party group, the Northwoods Patriots. The group has a website NorthwoodsPatriots.blogspot and a related radio program, Northwoods Patriot Radio, hosted by Simac.
In other words, for the last few years, Kim Simac has had all sorts of stuff on her mind and plenty of time and space to say it; be it right-wing rallies, Republican fundraisers, her radio program, or her tea party blog.
Then it went all missing.
Well, a lot of it did anyway.
Take a look at this now-deleted blog post from February 07, 2011.
The link to the video of Kim Simac and her VERY close ex-husband James Maillette speaking at a Vilas County Republican fundraiser goes to a YouTube page saying “This video has been removed by the user.”
The user, “Dave” aka “MrRocket43,” at one time had a whole series of Kim Simac videos posted to his YouTube account. You can see the evidence of removing Kim Simac videos on his YouTube channel right now.
As I mentioned, the blog post referencing the event and the YouTube page has been deleted as well. Other links posted during the same timeframe work just fine.
I also tried listening to Simac’s radio program formerly located here.
You’ll notice the links to the audio of her radio program do not work.
We’ve been down this road before. Extreme right-wing talkers like Simac have a history of running from their words.
In 2008, prolific conservative blogger Jo Egelhoff tried to erase an entire archive of her far-right wing blog posts before running for public office as a Republican in the Fox Valley. One Wisconsin Now was alerted to this fact and was able to track down her deleted posts. The Appleton Post-Crescent eventually editorialized against Egelhoff saying she should have just stood behind her words, rather than trying to cover up her extreme points of view.
Likewise, it seems pretty apparent Kim Simac or someone affiliated with her Northwoods Patriots tea party group doesn’t want the public knowing where Kim Simac stands on a whole host of issues.
And yet again, the research team at One Wisconsin Now has the public’s back. We’ve tracked down all the missing links, all the missing videos, and all the missing audio. We’re releasing all of the quotes someone probably doesn’t want you to hear or see. Check out our daily blog Stuff Simac Says to see all the outrageous stuff Simac has been saying for the last few years.