American Conservative: Reince Priebus poured out the Tea Party

On the heels of the story we exposed on Monday – the Tea Party being in bed with the Republican Party of Wisconsin in an alleged voter suppression plot – an American conservative magazine, American Conservative, is pondering just how exactly Reince Preibus, chair of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, was able to handle the Tea Party:

And as party leaders gather to communicate and talk shop, they will certainly pick the brain of Wisconsin State GOP Chairman Reince Priebus to find out how he handled the Tea Parties successfully in his state: 1. Get the most listened to talk-show hosts in your state’s biggest city on your side; 2. Find well-known candidates from the biggest bloc of voters in the most populous region of your state; 3. Make sure they’re well-funded and then present a fait accompli to Tea Partiers and tell them to start picking votes if they want any place at the table at all. Wisconsin has its own ways of politics unique to itself but don’t be surprised to see such strategies tried elsewhere. Many Tea Party leaders have the hubris to believe that they themselves are going to be running state and local parties after the success of Tea Party-backed candidates in primaries this year. They should be well aware of what they’re going to up against. How many times have we heard it said over the past 40 years that “Conservatives have got to retake the Republican Party”?

Tea Party irrelevant? Don’t tell the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which ran a front page fluff story with no new substantive news about the groups.

Meanwhile, One Wisconsin Now obtained a recording of a secret Tea Party meeting where the group’s lead organizer Tim Dake says it will be the “boots on the ground” for the voter suppression effort.

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