Another Scott Walker political point rejected
Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker voted to allow late-night lawmaking when he was a member of the Assembly even though he rails against the practice now. [AP]
Well he wasn’t so much railing against it as he was putting out a press release to score a political point ‘ a point that he eventually lost, of course, because he had no problem with late sessions when in 1997 he voted with fellow Republicans to ‘eliminate a rule that required lawmakers to finish their floor sessions at 8 p.m.’
This isn’t the first time ‘ probably not the last either ‘ that Walker took up an ad hoc position on something and put out a press release to score political points only to then have his own actual record thrown back at him. Recall back in March when Walker all of a sudden disliked no bid contracts after Democrats had secured jobs by signing one with a train manufacturer.
Turns out, Walker voted to create the no-bid statute in the 1997 state budget. [One Wisconsin Now]