So many broken promises, so soon

Promising to take our country back and do something about the jobs problem, a new majority swept Wisconsin on November 2. But if you thought the economy and job creation was at the top of the GOP agenda you’d be dead wrong.
On Day 1, soon-to-be Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald wasted no time offering an agenda sure not to create jobs in Wisconsin. “First and foremost on his priority list is a bill to curb voter ID incidents,” Fitzgerald told his hometown paper, the Watertown Daily Times. Sen. Glenn Grothman seconded the item, telling the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune the “Legislature shouldn’t focus solely on economic or business legislation. Grothman specifically mentioned legislation to require voters to show photo IDs at the polls as a necessary change.” It seems long lines at the polls in 2012 are more concerning to the right wing than long lines at the unemployment office right now.
OWN isn’t alone in the observation. Eau Claire Leader-Telegram editor Don Huebscher wrote:
[S]ome early signals indicate Republicans may not know what to do with their new-found power. Two of their priorities that quickly surfaced are making it legal to carry concealed weapons and requiring voters to show photo ID at the polls.
They’ve got to be kidding. I didn’t hear either of these issues mentioned at all during the campaign, and I highly doubt that’s what voters are most concerned about.
But the unemployed and out-of-work aren’t alone in having promises to them broken. The tea party flock, with its impossible demands (often based on misinformation), will be heartbroken to learn that the GOP is likely unable to repeal health care reforms as promised by leading GOPers, and already the GOP leaders and tea party hero Rand Paul have broken their promises to fight against earmarks.
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