Scott Walker’s Appalling 25-Year Record on Corrections and Prison Policy
Gov. Scott Walker Has Spent 25 Years Charting a Dangerous, Racist Course on Corrections Policy in the State of Wisconsin.
Gov. Scott Walker Has Spent 25 Years Charting a Dangerous, Racist Course on Corrections Policy in the State of Wisconsin.
The former Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC) has released a book detailing his experiences in the administration of Gov. Scott Walker.
Scot Ross with the liberal activist group One Wisconsin Now notes Walker is lagging in polls. “He’s blowing that dog whistle loud and clear, and he’s trying to get every racist across the state to hear him.” [Wisconsin Radio Network]
Scott Walker has an absolutely awful record on Corrections in the state and Mike Browne joins Bryan on 414Wisconsin to make sure we know the correct record. [WRRD-AM]
Gov. Scott Walker declared there was “no value” in him, as chief executive of the state, visiting a correctional institution.
‘On Corrections, Scott Walker Always Makes the Wrong Decision and Always for the Wrong Reason’
Scott Walker and Brad Schimel ignored and then repeatedly failed to act on the mounting crisis at Lincoln Hills.
As chair of the State Assembly Corrections Committee in his early years Scott Walker toed the early 1990’s GOP party line on crime.