Scott Walker Put Veterans at the Mercy of the Domestic War Profiteer For-Profit ‘College’ Cartel
Another Scott Walker Election Year publicity ploy for veterans is undermined by his record supporting the for-profit “college” industry.
Another Scott Walker Election Year publicity ploy for veterans is undermined by his record supporting the for-profit “college” industry.
Cuts to State Oversight and Rollback of Federal ‘Borrowers Defense’ Rule Leaves Students Vulnerable to Abuse
“While other states are stepping up to protect students, Walker has a different idea,” said Analiese Eicher, program director for One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin State Journal]
Scott Walker’s proposal to eliminate EAB after that federal regulatory action drew criticism from the progressive advocacy group One Wisconsin Now. [Capital Times]
Scott Walker's Unsuccessful 2015 Effort to Nix State Authority Regulating For Profit Colleges in Wisconsin Since 1944 Makes Return Appearance in 2017.
According to media reports, a Minnesota judge has ruled that the for-profit Globe University has violated state consumer protection and fraud laws.
ITT Tech announced it's closing immediately, leaving hundreds of Wisconsin students in limbo, while Republicans give aid and comfort to predatory for-profits.
Trump University left students across the country deep in debt. Will Ron Johnson continue to endorse more for-profit colleges as a solution to the student loan debt crisis?
Donald Trump gives Scott Walker the maximum contribution for his re-election campaign, Scott Walker turns around and seeks to make oversight of the for-profit college racket more difficult.
The liberal group One Wisconsin Now raised questions about the timing of that proposal in relation to the ongoing Trump University investigation and Trump's donation to Walker. [Capital Times]
This news comes, despite the “complete indifference” of Gov. Scott Walker and Schimel, who refused to enter Wisconsin into the lawsuit.
Gov. Scott Walker likes to tout his tuition freeze, but what he isn’t telling you is that the freeze came after he had already increased tuition substantially.
One Wisconsin Now Program Director Analiese Eicher offered the following testimony on provisions of Assembly Bill 163 related to the elimination of the Educational Approval Board.