Higher Education

A Most Unhappy Anniversary

According to the latest estimates, over 43 million Americans now owe $1.4 trillion, making student loans the second largest consumer debt in the nation.

Scott Walker’s 50 Percent Tuition Hike

Gov. Scott Walker’s tuition bill has left students deeper in debt. As a legislator, he voted for budgets that increased tuition by over 50 percent.

Scot Ross: Refinancing student loans a real solution

Allowing them to refinance their student loans, just like you can with a mortgage, is a common sense solution to deliver real relief for Wisconsin borrowers. [Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune]

Could Wisconsin point way for nation?

Jenni Dye [research director for One Wisconsin Now] sees a value to organizing around issues like college debt relief that resonate with voters. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Eric Wimberger (R-Wall Street)

People across the ideological spectrum agree that student loan debt is a crisis and that borrowers should be able to refinancing their loans like you can a mortgage. Eric Wimberger does not.

At The Top of Their Class

A new Student Loan Voter Scorecard recently released by the non-partisan One Wisconsin Institute evaluated the positions taken by state legislators. [SSDC]

UW Credit Union Ups Membership Criteria

The effort drew criticism from Scot Ross with One Wisconsin Now, a liberal advocacy group that has been a strong proponent for reforms in the student loan system. [Wisconsin Radio Network]