Student Loan Debt Reform Boosts Burke to Commanding Lead Among Younger Voters
The latest Marquette University Law poll shows former Trek Executive Mary Burke with a commanding lead of 48-35 among voters aged 18-29.
The latest Marquette University Law poll shows former Trek Executive Mary Burke with a commanding lead of 48-35 among voters aged 18-29.
Massive cuts, skyrocketing tuition and opposing reforms that would allow borrowers to refinance their loans, just like you can a mortgage or car loan – that’s the Walker-Kleefisch record.
The explosion in student loan debt has caused borrowers across the nation to spend an average of more than 20 years to pay off their higher education debt.
We need elected officials willing to fight for us. Instead, Johnson has shown us exactly who he is: an embarrassment to Wisconsin. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross, who has become a national leader on student loan debt issues, decried Walker’s “stunning lack of leadership.” “Wisconsin’s student loan debtors had a pathway to real tax relief, but Governor Walker is only interested in tax breaks for corporations and the rich,” said Ross. “Drastic cuts to the […] [Capital Times]
Republicans in the U.S. Senate today voted to block action on legislation authored by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and sponsored by Sen. Tammy Baldwin to allow student loans to be refinanced.
Research conducted by the liberal advocacy group, One Wisconsin Institute, found Wisconsin residents with student loan debt were paying nearly $500 a month for more than 20 years. [Capital Times]
New data released today by the White House, based on 2014 Department of Education statistics, reveal Wisconsin’s share of the $1.2 trillion student loan debt crisis.
Liberal group One Wisconsin Now handed out “100 Grand” candy bars to symbolize the debt many college graduates now carry and stickers that read, “I am a Student Loan Debt Voter.” [Capital Times]
In a recent press release Sen. Ron Johnson announced he is calling for more “transparency” in the Congressional Budget Office’s fiscal analyses of the Affordable Care Act.
Obama announced new initiatives to help the estimated 40 million plus Americans currently burdened with over $1.2 trillion in student loan debt.
In a historic first, Wisconsin Democrats today included support for common sense measures to help Wisconsin borrowers refinance their student loan debt as part of their party platform.
The GOP engaged in a debate over a party platform resolution authorizing the state to secede from the union. Democrats meanwhile are set to take on serious economic issues.
Johnson’s disingenuousness was on full display as he conflated efforts to help student loan borrowers refinance loans with limited loan forgiveness programs.
Recent statements from U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson on student loan debt reveal a need for him to go back to school on the issue.
Gov. Walker and his sycophants like Charlie Sykes that regurgitate the Governor’s talking points can spin all they like. The fact remains that under Gov. Walker the student loan debt crisis in Wisconsin has gotten worse, not better.
Burke put state Democrats’ popular measure to refinance student debt in her jobs plan, pointing out the toll college loan debt takes on Wisconsin’s economy and on its struggling middle class. This issue resonates strongly with Wisconsin’s 800,000 student debtors, who rank debt relief among their top political concerns. And they receive a monthly reminder of […] [The Progressive]
U.S. Representative Mark Pocan (WI-2) today introduced legislation, H.R. 4622, to automatically lower interest rates on federal student loans to 4%.
Allowing for the refinancing of student loans is a common sense, pro-consumer solution to help 40 million Americans with over $1.2 trillion in debt.
On the One Wisconsin Now blog, Scot Ross writes that the bill pending in Congress to address the student loan debt crisis is a help, but far from being a solution to the now $1.2 trillion problem. [Capital Times]
The trillion dollar student loan debt is not just a crisis for students. It is literally standing between college graduates and their share of the American dream and a more robust economic recovery both nationally and, as shown by our research, in Wisconsin. [Capital Times]
The two-year anniversary of student loan debt hitting $1 trillion in the U.S. ought to be a clarion call to action. If we allow this crisis to continue to grow unchecked it will most certainly become a full-blown economic catastrophe.
It is past time for all of our leaders to lead on addressing student loan debt. They have over one trillion reasons to do so.
Now a freshman at the University at the Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Boggs said he knows that the cost of higher education is a major factor for students. On Tuesday, he took part in a town hall meeting on student debt on the UWSP campus. The meeting was hosted by state Rep. Katrina Shankland, D-Stevens Point, state […] [Stevens Point Journal]
The One Wisconsin survey found that the average monthly loan payment for respondents of all educational attainment — some college but no degree through graduate degree — was $388 a month. The institute also reports that average length of repayment for those with a bachelor’s degree was 18.7 years. “The data is indisputable,” says Ross. “The […] [Capital Times]
The One Wisconsin [Institute] survey found that the average monthly loan payment for respondents of all educational attainment was $388 a month. [Capital Times]
One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross railed against Walker for “his stunning lack of leadership” related to the stalled Higher Ed, Lower Debt student loan relief bill.
If Gov. Scott Walker really wants to help Wisconsin families with higher education expenses, he should support reforms on student loan debt instead of grabbing headlines about another tuition freeze at the University of Wisconsin, says progressive advocate Scot Ross. [Capital Times]
The $1.2 trillion student loan debt crisis has drawn wildly divergent responses from two Wisconsin Congressional Representatives, according to One Wisconsin Now.
Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke has included key provisions of the Higher Ed, Lower Debt Act in her “Invest for Success” jobs plan released today.
It seems that Republicans are all for equal access to the franchise, just so long as that voter is a likely Republican.
This morning Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is kicking off “Higher Ed Not Debt,” a new coalition of progressive groups looking to turn the widespread frustration over student debt into a full-fledged political force. In the past few months, various progressive organizations — including One Wisconsin Now — had begun talking about formalizing an effort, leading up to today’s […] [Business Week]
One Wisconsin Institute recently released a report on the economic impact of student loan debt, finding that middle class households with student loan debt are overwhelmingly more likely to rent than to own a home. [Capital Times]
A new national coalition, Higher Ed Not Debt, is bringing advocates and borrowers together in a campaign to restore fairness to a student loan system gone horribly awry.
Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now has been pointing out for years that as a nation we need to find a way to solve the incredible student loan debt crisis that grips our society. [Capital Times]
The impact of student debt has translated into over $6 billion in losses for automotive sales every year, based on a report by One Wisconsin Institute, an organization involved in fixing the student debt crisis. [Coyote Chronicle]
The average debt per student in Wisconsin is nearly $25,000… That’s the 15th highest rate in the nation, and 67 percent of graduating students in the state will have some form of debt. [Fourth Estate]
Experts and legislators provided testimony to the Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee on Monday in support of Assembly Bill 498, the Higher Ed, Lower Debt Act.
There are hundreds of thousands of borrowers with student debt in Wisconsin. They've done the right thing, working hard to get their education or job training and taking on the personal responsibility.
A standing room only crowd packed the room to share their stories and call for action on the student loan debt crisis at today’s Senate committee hearing on the Higher Ed, Lower Debt Act, Senate Bill 376.
Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Institute, noted that some steps have been taken to undo the damage of law changes adopted in the mid and late 1990s [Capital Times]
Research from One Wisconsin shows individuals who owe on student loans are less likely to purchase new cars and are more likely to rent instead of buy. [Badger Herald]
An innovative state solution to help tackle the $1.2 trillion student loan debt crisis will take a first step forward toward becoming a reality in Wisconsin with a public hearing before the Senate Committee on Universities and Technical Colleges.
In this case, there is no reason Wisconsinites should not be able to refinance loans. We would much rather see those same residents buying a new car or dining Downtown. [Racine Journal Times]
In his State of the Union speech, President Barack Obama spoke to the need for greater access and affordability in higher education and job training.
On Tuesday, President Obama goes before Congress and the nation to announce his priorities for the upcoming year and give an update on the state of our union.
The state of the finances of nearly 40 million Americans with an estimated $1.2 trillion in student loan debt is in crisis, according to One Wisconsin Now's Executive Director Scot Ross.
A Wisconsin student calls for action on the higher ed debt crisis. HuffPost Live goes on campus to speak with two students fighting for change. [Huffington Post]
If we don't act we risk higher education at a university or job training at a technical college become nothing more than a multi-decade debt sentence instead of the path to the middle class.
According to a report by the One Wisconsin Institute, the impact of student debt translates into over $6 billion in lost automotive sales each year. General Motors is also taking note. [Huffington Post]