Pro-Voucher Donors Get Their Way
It’s pretty clear what’s happening here. The voucher industry has spent lavishly to install compliant politicians in positions of power. And they’re paying their back their political cronies.
It’s pretty clear what’s happening here. The voucher industry has spent lavishly to install compliant politicians in positions of power. And they’re paying their back their political cronies.
On its silver anniversary, the Wisconsin school privatization experiment is the gold standard for failure and lack of accountability. But that won’t stop its champions like the Bradley-funded propaganda machine.
Audio from an Iowa event in March reveals Gov. Scott Walker joking with the crowd about his effort to evade campaign finance laws.
State legislative Republicans are circulating a proposal to hide even more information on the sources of their campaign cash.
Daley taking money directly from the Republican Party of Wisconsin and his attempts to downplay and explain what that campaign cash was used for just don’t add up.
The treasurer of the political group formed by Walker to employ his presidential campaign staff in waiting is before the Wisconsin State Senate today for a confirmation vote.
As Gov. Scott Walker criss-crosses the country auditioning for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, fellow Republican legislators are running amok.
Dispensing with any pretense of judicial independence, Daley signaled early in his campaign that he was willing to rubber stamp Gov. Walker and the GOP's legislative agenda.
According to the latest round of campaign finance filings, individuals associated with the private school voucher industry kept busy filling the campaign coffers of Gov. Walker and others, even after Election Day.
Before jetting off to California to meet with the right-wing billionaire Koch brothers he’s making a stop in Iowa to address Tea Party Republican Rep. Steve King’s Freedom Summit.
Gov. Scott Walker is off to California for the second time in as many weeks, this time seeking the support of the ultra-wealthy right-wing power broker Koch brothers in his quest for the GOP presidential nomination.
The Supreme Court, with Justice Bradley abstaining, voted to hear several appeals related to the criminal investigation of collusion between the Walker's campaign and outside groups.
To commemorate the gubernatorial inauguration Wisconsinites will have the chance to ice skate, party and pray with Gov. Walker – if they’re willing to donate to the Republican Party of Wisconsin.
Johnson spent $9 million in 2010 in deceptive ads to win and he starts his 2016 campaign with the biggest lie of all by ignoring the unseemly $10 million ‘PACUR payoff’ that magically came just after the 2010 campaign.
In the weeks before the November 4 election, the Walker administration attempted to quietly solicit bids to redevelop the Hills Farms state office complex in Madison.
Assembly GOP Speaker Robin Vos and Gov. Scott Walker called for a dramatically expanded private school voucher program in Wisconsin, financed with public tax dollars.
One Wisconsin Now has formally requested the Racine and Milwaukee County District Attorneys investigate Assembly Speaker Robin Vos for potential misconduct in office.
According to campaign finance filings, the RGA appears to have been funneling their TV ads supporting Walker through the state big business lobby, WMC.
The wallet and fingerprints of Scott Walker’s campaign co-chair, Michael Grebe, are all over this last-second desperate smear against Mary Burke.
A review of IRS records and Bradley Foundation reports reveals they have provided significant financial support for the media outlet that first reported on the smear.
U.S. Army Veteran and UW student Saul Newton will counter Gov. Walker's bus tour today with his own “Wisconsin Minimum Wage, Maximum Student Debt Tour.”
“Half of the $80 million Scott Walker’s raised comes from outside of Wisconsin, and we all remember when he when flew to Las Vegas, hat in hand, to beg Sheldon Adelson for his support,” said Scot Ross. [Capital Times]
In a deceptive new ad, the flailing campaign of Gov. Scott Walker is trying to whitewash his disastrous record on student loan debt and higher education.
A news report, based on our analysis of Walker’s campaign reimbursements for his use of state vehicles, reveals the chief executive has spent at least one full year on the campaign trail.
The people of Wisconsin are paying Walker's salary to work for them, but for over a year of his time in office, he has been on the campaign trail working only for his own political ambitions. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Howard Marklein touts his political independence while on the campaign trail, but a review of his voting record in Madison tells a very different tale.
One Wisconsin Now today filed a complaint with the state Government Accountability Board (GAB) over the use of campaign funds for his personal babysitting expenses.
MADISON, Wis. — In an “Ethics Reform Plan” Scott Walker proposed while running for Governor, he promised he would not accept contributions from the date of his inauguration until the signing of the state budget. A review of Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign finance records by One Wisconsin Now shows that for each budget he introduced between […]
A reminder from April 14 of how four of seven Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices owe their current elected position to the millions of dollars in spending in their races by the Wisconsin Club for Growth and Wisconsin Manufactures and Commerce. Gov. Scott Walker has previously asked the appeal of the Peterson ruling go directly to […]
MADISON, Wis. — The National Rifle Association is trying to revive the flailing campaign of Gov. Scott Walker by placing a $1 million television buy for the next month in several markets around Wisconsin. The $1 million buy covers markets in La Crosse, Green Bay and Wausau. “Gov. Walker has bent over backwards to serve […]
This is the smoking gun that shows Scott Walker at the center of one of Wisconsin’s most notorious voter intimidation efforts.
While studies of the voucher program have failed to demonstrate higher achievement for students, pandering to the voucher industry has been lucrative for career politician Scott Walker’s campaign account.
A right-wing “public interest” law firm and a legal expert who have raked in at least $1.75 million from the Bradley Foundation are entering the fray to try to help Gov. Walker out of his most recent legal jam.
The increasingly desperate campaign of Gov. Scott Walker hastily convened a press conference yesterday to dispute the undeniable facts that his policies and administration have been an utter failure on job creation.
Supporters of private school vouchers from across the country are dropping big donations on Wisconsin politicians in recent months, including over $113,000 to Gov. Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch.
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke talks a lot about taking responsibility, but as is often the case with Tea Party darling Clarke, his talk is not backed up by action.
An analysis of Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke's most recent campaign finance report shows he raised over 61 percent of his campaign funds from outside of Wisconsin.
The latest campaign finance report for Sheriff David Clarke reveals he’s cashed in on his extreme positions against common sense regulations of guns with big money from the National Rifle Association.
MADISON, Wis. — Today’s state Supreme Court decisions supporting Gov. Scott Walker’s attacks on workers and voters were spearheaded by a four-member majority bloc that was elected through $8 million in spending by two of Walker’s biggest special interest supporters – Wisconsin Club for Growth and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce. “The corporate special interests like Club […]
A review of Gov. Scott Walker’s most recent campaign finance report reveals he continues to reap a windfall of campaign donations, nearly $167,000 in just the last six months, from individuals associated with state businesses getting tax breaks, loans and grants through his WEDC.
Walker reports an astounding 56 percent of his campaign’s cash grab comes from individuals and special interest groups from outside of Wisconsin — $4.5 million.
For the years in which Federal IRS records are available for both the Bradley Foundation and WILL, 2011 and 2012, Bradley funds accounted for over 90 percent of the total money WILL reported raising.
The head of the WILL changed his story again in response to questions about how his organization is being paid for legal work he is doing for Ron Johnson.
Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign today announced a new negative television blitz against former Wisconsin Commerce Secretary and business leader Mary Burke.
One Wisconsin Now is updating its complaint with federal election regulators over Johnson’s failure to properly disclose his campaign’s spending for his legal costs.
The right-wing legal organization that helped bring the case received financial support from the Bradley Foundation run by Scott Walker’s campaign chair .
MADISON, Wis. — Contained in hundreds of pages of recently unsealed John Doe investigation court documents is information about the participation of the state big business lobby, the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), in a scheme termed “criminal” by prosecutors orchestrated by Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign. Since the release of the documents, Walker has refused to […]
While Walker refuses to answer if he continues to direct a scheme to avoid campaign laws, the right-wing mega-funder Bradley Foundation’s chief Michael Grebe, might have the answer.
The explosion in student loan debt has caused borrowers across the nation to spend an average of more than 20 years to pay off their higher education debt.
One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross said there is one simple question Gov. Walker must answer as his 2014 and beyond campaigns heats up: "Are you still doing it?" [MSNBC]