Republicans Delaying State Budget Action Until After Fundraiser Hosted by Washington D.C. Lobbying Firm
Legislative Republicans are delaying the start of their state budget deliberations until at least May 9.
Legislative Republicans are delaying the start of their state budget deliberations until at least May 9.
Brian Hagedorn’s work as a clerk for former Justice Michael Gableman looks like it’s paying off for his own campaign for the state Supreme Court
One Wisconsin Now reports that more Foxconn contracts are being awarded to Walker campaign donors. [the Political Environment]
A consulting firm owned by Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign treasurer Kate Lind received a state contract for services, after being the only one to bid on it.
This rigged deal to give a state contract to Governor Walker's campaign treasurer's business is as sleazy as it gets. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said the donations could signal GOP lawmakers will change licensing laws to help Total Wine. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Senators Sheila Harsdorf, Luther Olsen and Tom Tiffany went the extra mile not just for big money donors but also for themselves.
One Wisconsin Now said Wisconsin Club for Growth spent attack money on Harsdorf’s recall opponent. [River Falls Journal]
Sen. Luther Olsen benefitted from massive contributions from the owner of a business whose product poisoned children to a group that did his dirty work.
Donald Trump gives Scott Walker the maximum contribution for his re-election campaign, Scott Walker turns around and seeks to make oversight of the for-profit college racket more difficult.
The liberal group One Wisconsin Now raised questions about the timing of that proposal in relation to the ongoing Trump University investigation and Trump's donation to Walker. [Capital Times]
“Pay-to-play certainly comes to my mind and I know I’m not alone,” said Scot Ross, executive director of the progressive group One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin Gazette]
Gov. Scott Walker is a masterful career politician, willing to do or say anything to get elected, and carefully cultivates relationships with key players.
But Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, said in a statement that “once again, Wisconsin taxpayers are footing Gov. Walker’s handouts to special interest campaign contributors.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]