Fresh Off Stunning Electoral Defeat, Gov. Scott Walker to Call Special Session on Dog Whistle Attacks on Poor and People of Color
Divisive, Racist Attacks Are Morally Inexcusable and Politically Tone Deaf

MADISON, Wis. — Fresh off an historic electoral defeat in a state Senate race, Wisconsin Republicans led by Gov. Scott Walker announced a special session of the legislature devoted to renewed attacks on Wisconsin families struggling to get by.
The package of bills would impose new requirements including drug testing, proven to be a failure in other states.
Walker is also proposing providing private contractors involved in public assistance programs with new cash “performance bonuses.”
The following are the statements of One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross:
“On cue, Scott Walker responds to the historic thumping his party took Tuesday at the polls by blowing his dog whistle to attack poor people and people of color.
“Morally, it’s inexcusable. But it’s what we’ve come to expect over 25 years from Scott Walker, who has always tried to win elections by dividing Wisconsinites.
“Politically, it’s tone deaf. They ran this playbook in the 10th Senate District and got stomped. The entire Republican money machine attacked Patty Schachtner for struggling economically like so many in Wisconsin do and for opposing Scott Walker’s dog whistle attacks on poor people and people of color.
“Voters across the country and in Wisconsin are rejecting Donald Trump’s racism and divisive politics, but it looks like Scott Walker and the Republicans in the state legislature haven’t gotten the message or they don’t care.”