GOP hypocrisy, caving to gun manufacturing lobby in current concealed carry dust-up
More GOP Cave to Gun Manufacturing Lobby Could Return Metal Detectors to Capitol

It started with JB Van Hollen’s epic cave in the face of pressure from the gun manufacturing lobby attacking plan to require actual training in order to get a concealed carry permit.
But always the wily veterans, Scott and Jeff Fitzgerald took the hypocrisy to a new level this week, telling reporters that not only do they support concealed weapons in the state capitol, that if they don’t get their way on it, they will support bringing metal detectors.
According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) also said that he would have no problems with allowing concealed carry in the Capitol. He said the only way to ensure that there are no guns in the Capitol would be to bring back metal detectors.”
Yes, a return to metal detectors.
Former Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager led the fight against the metal detectors and public access. She has already stated she will challenge this measure should it return.
But let’s not forget the Fitzgeralds and Gov. Scott Walker tried to thwart the protests at the capitol over their attacks on the collective bargaining rights of 175,000 working Wisconsinites but closing access to the capitol and putting up metal detectors.
It was a sleazy, opportunistic ploy and one that cost Wisconsin taxpayers tons – and helped consolidate law enforcement authority at the capitol into the hands of the head of the WI State Troopers – who of course is Steve Fitzgerald, the father responsible for the Fitzgerald brothers. Trooper head Fitzgerald, appointed by the administration, gets a six figure salary and is perhaps one of the few family-supporting jobs created by the disastrous Walker agenda.
We called like we saw it and as was also reported by the MJS:
“Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said there would be a contradiction in screening all Capitol visitors for weapons and restricting access to the building during those demonstrations and then allowing concealed guns. ‘The Republicans wasted millions of dollars to make schoolchildren go through metal detectors and face being wanded, now they want to allow guns in the Capitol,’ he said.”
This story is far from over. And if you haven’t seen our video of school children being screened before, you can watch it here.