GOP Sen. Leibham: “I am not aware of any ‘secrecy pledge”
A concerned citizen contacted us recently over concerns that a Republican state senator was not being completely forthcoming about his involvement in the GOP redistricting "secrecy pledge".
A concerned citizen contacted us recently over concerns that state Republican Sen. Joseph Leibham was not being completely forthcoming about his involvement in the GOP “secrecy pledge” to keep the public from knowing the truth about their partisan redistricting scheme.
Concerned Citizen emailed Sen. Leibham’s office to ask whether or not Sen. Leibham signed the secrecy pledge; here’s Sen. Leibham’s reply:
Looks like he pivoted right to some talking points and a plug for his website after the initial denial.
And just to be clear – if you think Sen. Leibham isn’t – he most certainly signed what everyone is either calling “pledges of secrecy” or “secrecy deals”. Here’s a copy of Joe Leibham’s John Hancock he put on the secrecy pledge:
Thanks to the concerned citizen for bringing this to our attention.
The signers of this secrecy pledge assaulted democracy and open government, putting their own political interests before our right to fair elections.
They promised, in writing, to sit down and shut up while Republican legislative leaders tried to take away our rights and carve up the state to protect their political power grab.