Memo to Paul Ryan from the 1st District’s Unemployed: No Mas!
Paul Ryan is officially the poster boy for the Bush economic legacy tour.
Despite representing the three cities in Wisconsin with the highest unemployment rates, Ryan’s stepped up front and center to offer a GOP budget plan that continues the worst of the Bush economic policies — tax cuts for the rich, privatization and ignoring investment in American infrastructure.Ryan represents the following cities, which rank 1, 2 and 3 in highest unemployment rates in the state (so says DWD):
— Beloit, 16.9%
— Racine 15.6%
— Janesville, 14.6%
Ryan wants make the Bush tax cuts permanent, hack the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 25%, cut the tax rate for the wealthiest from 35% to 25%, suspend the capital gains tax on wealthy investments and privatize Medicare.
Guess how he wants to pay for more tax cuts for the rich?
Freeze domestic spending for five years.
Is this a joke?
I’m sure it’s not to the people of Janesville, Racine and Beloit — hell, it’s not a joke at all. It’s a disgrace.