MJS: Voter Fraud a Fairy Tale

Wisconsinites have good reason to be proud as Wisconsin had the second-highest voter turnout among all fifty states in last week’s election. And Milwaukee County can rest easy that the election was fair and accurate given the fact’as explained in a recent Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article‘that among the hundreds of thousands of ballots cast in the county, only five (5) are under investigation for being illegitimate.Put more precisely, of the 469,266 ballots cast for president in Milwaukee County, 469,261 were completely legitimate. My calculator rounds this to 100.00 percent. Now consider the fact that the presidential victor was decided by a margin of 137, 021 votes in Milwaukee County. My calculator determined that five votes wouldn’t have swung the result the other way. Any way you punch the numbers, one thing is certain: voter fraud wasn’t a factor in the Nov. 4 election.
And if voter fraud is a fairy tale, consider Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen and State Sen. Joe Leibham the Brothers Grimm. In the run up to every election, they take fiction for fact and exaggerate reality to write the next chapter in their Voter Fraud Fairy Tales tome in an attempt to justify voter caging and suppression schemes. And in every single election, voter fraud gets called out for exactly what it is’make believe. It’s time for conservatives to get real, look at the facts, and put away the fairy tales about voter fraud.