It is without question that the University of Wisconsin College Democrats are incredibly proud to support Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s, D-Wisconsin, reelection to the U.S. Senate. We are confident Baldwin is the candidate most committed to college affordability and accessible healthcare. Baldwin’s record on these important issues is markedly better than her opponent’s, for both students and hardworking Wisconsin families.
Republican candidate Leah Vukmir is in the pocket of corporate interests, as evidenced by her deep ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council, a Koch brothers organization that is nothing less than a pipeline for undisclosed corporate donations. Wisconsin cannot afford to elect another politician who consistently prioritizes special interests and personal political ambitions before Wisconsin families. We need a senator who fights for college students like us, and we know Baldwin will continue to do so.
Baldwin is a UW alumna herself, and she understands students are having trouble keeping up with their debt. She has taken on the big banks and Washington bureaucracy by introducing legislation which would allow struggling borrowers to refinance their student loans and take advantage of lower interest rates — the same way people refinance a mortgage, a car loan or credit card debt. With student loan debt surpassing credit card debt, there is no excuse to not act. Baldwin is leading the way to make the system work for ambitious, hardworking Wisconsin students, rather than for the special interests trying to make a quick buck at their expense.
In contrast, according to the One Wisconsin Institute’s “Student Loan Voter Scorecard,” Vukmir has consistently voted against measures to lower high-interest rates and large monthly payments for college students in Wisconsin. In general, the GOP has shown no leadership in addressing the student loan crisis we now face. President Donald Trump’s budget has cut billions of dollars from student financial aid programs, such as Pell Grants. Pell Grants help millions of students, especially students of low income, stay in school each year. Baldwin has worked to strengthen these grants, while also pushing to adjust them for inflation so they keep pace with rising costs. The Perkins Loans Program has helped thousands of Wisconsinites afford their tuition, and Baldwin is leading the charge to save this critical student loan program as well. Her record makes it clear — a vote for Baldwin is a vote to help make college more affordable for Wisconsin students.
When it comes to healthcare, Baldwin’s work in the Senate has focused on providing Wisconsinites affordable, accessible and quality healthcare. Baldwin championed important reforms in the Affordable Care Act to make healthcare more affordable for students. Her push to allow kids to stay on their parents’ insurance plans until they are 26 years old has helped cover millions of young Americans. Her efforts to protect people with illnesses have ensured no one is denied care because of a pre-existing condition.
On the opposing side, Vukmir has supported measures that would allow insurance companies to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. Vukmir is on the Board of Directors at ALEC, which has worked tirelessly to undermine the Affordable Care Act and restrict programs which provide health care to low-income Americans. A vote for Vukmir is a vote for the greedy private health insurance industry and its lobbyists.
Point Counterpoint: This November, vote Baldwin for a candidate who cares about Wisconsin’s future
UW College Democrats stand strongly behind Baldwin and her reelection campaign. Her record speaks for itself on issues students care most about, like making college more affordable and bringing accessible healthcare to Wisconsinites. We ask you to resist the negative and hateful attacks against our senator and vote for Baldwin on Nov. 6. By doing so, together we can continue the fight to move Wisconsin forward for students and working families alike.
Sam Schwab ( is a junior majoring in political science and English. He is also the Press Secretary of the UW College Democrats.