Obstructionist Nass Strikes Again
During the budget crisis Rep. Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) was one of the loudest and most extreme cheerleaders for obstruction. Given that history, it should be no surprise to find Nass at the center of another effort to obstruct. This time he is trying to single handedly prevent some 17,000 working Wisconsinites from getting the chance to organize.
Although most employees in Wisconsin have the right to vote on whether they would like to be represented by a union, this right continues to be denied to UW faculty and academic staff. The Collective Bargaining Rights Bill was designed to address that specific injustice. While the bill will be heard tomorrow in the State Senate, the legislation is being deliberately held up in the Assembly. Rep. Nass’s office has said that it would not even receive a hearing this session, making it the only bill assigned to the Committee on Colleges and Universities that would not receive a vote.
Whether its holding the state budget hostage or denying a vote on workers rights, when you think Steve Nass, you can only think ‘obstructionist.’