One Wisconsin Now Statements on Leinenkugel, Wisconsin Recovery Efforts
Closing Loopholes, Fair Taxation Key to Putting State Back on Right Track' Says OWN
MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements calling on former Gov. Doyle Commerce Secretary Dick Leinenkugel to oppose regressive taxation plans for Wisconsin as the state continues to work through the national economic collapse due to the failed policies of the Bush administration and the Republican Congress.
“The decisive steps taken by the Doyle administration and Democratic-controlled state legislature averted further collapse of our economy and even more job loss. We hope former Secretary Dick Leinenkugel – who served during in the Doyle administration during in that effort – will use the bully pulpit to fight the irresponsible plans of pandering politicians like Scott Walker and Mark Neumann, who want to pass billions of dollars in tax cuts for the rich and big business for which they can’t pay.
“Walker and Neumann have proposed everything from a state income tax cut for those earning more than $225,000 a year to reopening the Las Vegas Loophole, allowing banks and big corporations to avoid paying their fair share. Walker and Neumann’s tax cuts for the rich would force the state to cut funding for programs like education, health care and public safety, and cause property taxes to skyrocket. Closing loopholes and fair taxation were key to putting Wisconsin back on the right track. A responsible, honest campaign by Leinenkugel would acknowledge that and the need for even more regulation to stop the abusive practices on Wall Street that have hurt so many Wisconsinites.”