One Wisconsin Now’s Editorial Critique of Scott Walker’s Unwatchable Web Ad
Taking time away from his recent “Even-though-you’ve-lost-your-job-I-eat-a-sandwich-oh-yeah-and-I-drive-a-car-so-please-please-make-me-Governor”campaign themes, Scott Walker has found the time mash together the worst of his B roll campaign footage for a disjointed expression of self-loathing desperation…er, a “new web ad.”
In case you have yet seen this masterpiece, it’s footage from numerous Scott Walker speaking engagements. Walker offers a buffet of typical Walker platitudes. Gubmit bad. Spending bad. And (spoiler alert!) there’s no explanation how he’ll pay for those $3 billion in tax cuts, loopholes and shifts that’ll decimate education, health care and police and fire protection.
Rather than try and fact check something that’s fact free, we offer One Wisconsin Now’s “reimaging” of Walker’s web ad in which his actual record is juxtaposed with his hokey nonsense.
Here’s One Wisconsin Now’s handiwork.
We include a number of facts and figures which accurately reflect the Walker record, including:
Walker proposed budgets that would have increased spending by 35%, far ahead of the 21% proposed by Governor Doyle over the same period. And the actual county property levy increased by 20% during Walker’s tenure. And Walker, as a member of the state legislature, voted for five straight budgets that increased spending 84%. [Proposed Milwaukee County budgets, 2003-2010; Legislative Fiscal Bureau]
Under Walker, in 2009 Milwaukee County lost over 30,000 jobs – the unemployment rate jumped from 5.5% to 9.2% in just one year. Walker reduced what had been $18-19 million each year in county spending on economic development (2002-2006), to just over $1 million in his proposed 2010 budget. [Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Proposed Milwaukee County budgets, 2003-2010]
Walker announced in 2007 he was giving himself a $50,000 pay raise — which will total $200,000 over his four-year term. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/19/2008]
Walker traveled across the state on a thinly-disguised campaign junket paid for by an airline just as the county was negotiating with them, and other airlines, for a new lease at General Mitchell International Airport. [Minutes of Milwaukee County Transportation, Public Works and Transit Committee, 5/12/10]
Walker has called for $3 billion in tax cuts, tax loopholes and tax shifts that would overwhelmingly benefit the rich, big business and favored donors – on top of the state’s projected $2.5 billion budget deficit. Walker’s plan would require massive cuts to education, health care and police and fire protection – yet Walker pointedly refuses to say how he will pay for his tax cuts for the rich. [Legislative Fiscal Bureau; “Upfront,” WISN-TV, 11/8/09; La Crosse Tribune, 11/24/09; Wisconsin State Journal, 6/20/10]
And apologies to Cody, from One Wisconsin Now’s staff, who was forced to watch the Walker video repeatedly in order to put this together.
PS: Visit for more information about Walker’s endless reign of failure.