One Wisconsin Now’s ‘Rock the Pantry’ Set for Monday
All Funds Will Go to Wisconsin Food Pantries; Walker Inaugurals Require Partisan Political Contributions
MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now’s “Rock the Pantry” progressive rally to help feed Wisconsin is set for the evening of Monday, January 3 at the same time Gov.-elect Scott Walker will be hosting a big money partisan political inauguration fundraiser to benefit his campaign and the Republican Party of Wisconsin. All proceeds from tickets to One Wisconsin Now’s “Rock the Pantry,” to be held at Madison’s historic Majestic Theatre, will go directly to charities assisting people hit hardest by the economic collapse.
“Gov.-elect Scott Walker has already distinguished himself with plans to cut taxes for the rich and big business and turn our taxpayer-financed Commerce Department over to his corporate campaign donors,” said Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now. “One Wisconsin’s Now’s ‘Rock the Pantry’ is a gathering for progressives who are more than ready to fight Walker’s efforts to leave working families to the mercy of corporate special interests.”
Despite pressure from around the state, Walker has refused to relent on plans to make his inaugural a partisan political fundraiser. Gov. Jim Doyle, by contrast, used proceeds raised from his 2003 and 2007 inaugural events, to donate over $500,000 to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Wisconsin.
“Rock the Pantry” will be held at the Majestic Theater on King Street in Madison from 7-10p.m. The event will include progressive speakers, DJ Andrew Larson from Saturn’s 8 and the supergroup “Big Band,” which features nationally-renowned local musicians.
“Progressives are ready to challenge Scott Walker as he pulls out the failed economic policy playbook that tanked our national economy,” said Ross. “When Scott Walker tries to slash education, health care and pull police and firefighters off the streets to repay corporate campaign donors with more tax breaks, working families from across Wisconsin will fight him every step of the way.”
Tickets are available for purchase at the door on the day of the event.