One Wisconsin Statements on First Meeting of Trump Voter Suppression Committee
‘We Fought Back Against Scott Walker’s Attacks on Voting, We’ll Do the Same with Trump’

MADISON, Wis. — Scot Ross, Executive Director of One Wisconsin Institute – which in 2016 prevailed in the federal court case One Wisconsin Institute v. Thomsen in undoing several major attacks on voting rights passed by the Republican Wisconsin State Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Scott Walker – released the following statements regarding the first meeting of Donald Trump’s voter suppression committee.
“The Republican Party can’t win on its ideas, so it is trying to rig elections by denying legal voters their right to vote. Scott Walker has sat in silence, while his friend and fundraiser Donald Trump has demanded the personal information about every single voter in Wisconsin.
“The audacity of Trump’s actions are eclipsed only by Scott Walker’s cowardice in failing to protect legal Wisconsin voters.
‘We fought back against Scott Walker’s attacks on voting, We’ll do the same with Trump.”
Ross noted that according to a recent news report, the ongoing federal investigations into collusion between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia is investigating whether the Trump campaign helped guide Russian backed fake news attacks against Hillary Clinton that targeted key demographics and voting precincts in Wisconsin.