OWN Launches Phone Call Campaign to Demand Wisconsin Law Firm to Drop Discrimination Amendment Case
Yesterday, OWN launched a campaign asking citizens from across Wisconsin to call on Wisconsin law firm Whyte, Hirschboeck and Dudek to drop a case involving one of their attorneys working on behalf of the ultra-conservative (and James Dobson financed) Alliance Defense Fund.
Amy Salberg, a lawyer with Whyte, Hirschboek and Dudek, has been working with the Alliance Defense Fund to defend the Discrimination Amendment, which outlaws same-sex unions, in Wisconsin’s courts. It’s bad enough that the Discrimination Amendment passed, but now Salberg has stoked the flames of homophobia and outright lies in her defense of the exclusionary amendment.
In an Alliance Defense Fund press release earlier this month, ADF-allied attoney Amy Salberg of Whyte, Hirschboeck and Dudek said ‘activists shouldn’t put children at risk in order to pursue their own selfish desires.’
Salberg’s insinuation that by somehow extending equal rights to all citizens would be dangerous for Wisconsin’s children is outright wrong and downright disgusting. It’s this sort of homophobic fear-mongering that is so hurtful to the debate about this important issue, and it’s more proof that the rabid right will stop at nothing to deny basic rights to our LGBT neighbors.
In response to Salberg’s outrageous recitation of Dobson’s false talking points, OWN asked citizens from around the state on Monday to call Whyte, Hirschboek and Dudek to express their outrage about the firm’s work on the Discrimination Amendment and support of such dangerous rhetoric.
For more information about the phone campaign, visit http://www.OneWisconsinNow.org/WHDcalls.