Rep. Mike Gallagher Remains Silent on Disgraced Fundraiser Michael Flynn Compromising National Security
‘Mike Gallagher Can’t Keep Running from the Truth about His Pal Flynn’ –One Wisconsin Now

MADISON, Wis. — With the latest shocking revelation that disgraced former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn has retroactively registered that he was lobbying on behalf of a foreign government while advising Donald Trump, One Wisconsin Now is calling on new Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI8) to both condemn Flynn’s misconduct and return the money Flynn raised for Gallagher during the freshman representative’s 2016 campaign.
“Michael Flynn lied to the American people about his Russian ties and was secretly lobbying on behalf of a foreign government,” said Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now Executive Director. “The people of Mike Gallagher’s district deserve answers and he can’t keep running from the truth about his friend and fundraiser Michael Flynn.”
@RepGallagher can’t keep running from the truth about his friend and fundraiser Michael Flynn.
Before his election in the Trump wave, Gallagher was an unknown former Scott Walker campaign staffer who moved to Wisconsin to run in the seat being vacated by a Republican member of congress. Gallagher used an endorsement from Flynn to boost his foreign policy bonafides and had a high profile Milwaukee fundraiser with Flynn in the summer of 2016.
“Why is Mike Gallagher the only person in Washington, DC who still stands with Michael Flynn and his lying and double-dealing of the American people?” asked Ross. “Mike Gallagher needs to immediately condemn Michael Flynn, return all of the money generated from his Flynn fundraiser and apologize to the good people of the 8th Congressional District.”