‘Rock the Pantry’ Raises Nearly $4,000 for Charity
Progressive Rally Draws Hundreds; Those in Need to Benefit from Fundraiser
MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now’s progressive rally “Rock the Pantry” will result in nearly $4,000 being donated to the Wisconsin efforts of Feeding America. Progressives held the rally in response to Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s big-money campaign and political party fundraising inaugural, as well as to send an unmistakable message that progressives will fight conservative public policy efforts to hurt Wisconsin’s working families and those in need.
“We are thrilled that over 300 progressives came together last night to let the new conservative majority know we are here, we are not going anywhere and we are ready to fight,” said Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now Executive Director. “Governor Walker showed on day one what his top priority is: lining his campaign coffers and rewarding his party bosses.”
As promised, One Wisconsin Now is donating 100 percent of money raised for the event to Feeding American’s Second Harvest in Dane County and Feeding America in Milwaukee. The groups will split $3,760 raised from the event. In addition, several boxes full of non-perishable food items collected at the door will also be delivered to the food banks.
“Rock the Pantry” included exciting entertainment from both DJ Andrew Larson of Saturn’s 8 and the Madison supergroup “Big Bang,” featuring nationally-renowned musicians Francie Phelps, Michael Ripp, Jay Moran, Kyle Henderson, Michael Massey and Tony Cerniglia.
“Progressives are ready to hold Governor Walker and the conservative legislative majority accountable for their promises to enact public policies that will create 250,000 new jobs,” said Ross. “The enthusiasm and dedication seen at progressive events throughout yesterday’s inaugural is proof-positive that we are united to fight for good jobs for Wisconsin’s working families and those in need.”
In contrast to Walker’s partisan political campaign fundraising inaugural, Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle donated the proceeds from his two inaugurals in 2003 and 2007 to the Boys and Girls Clubs, which received over $500,000.