
School choice group seeks personal data on students

We're not saying what they did was illegal, we're saying it's sleazy, and given the voucher industry's record on accountability, there are legitimate concerns about how this data is used, resold and transmitted. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Scott Walker’s politics of confrontation

Scot Ross, who runs One Wisconsin Now, a progressive activist group that has been among the governor’s fiercest foes, describes Walker as “politics incarnate.” [MSNBC]

Behold the Group Dogging Scott Walker’s Every Move

Between the state capitol and the University... a half dozen people work long days to do everything they can to make sure Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is never elected president. [Bloomberg]

Scott Walker decides to punt on evolution

One Wisconsin Now, a liberal advocacy group that tracks Walker’s statements, said they had no record of his previously addressing his beliefs on evolution. [Associated Press]

Scott Walker, the Wisconsin Idea and the race for 2016

"GOP primary voters don't reject the notion that public education is a public good that creates jobs and opportunity," said Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Capital Times]

Senate Republicans make a bad school idea even worse

Proving that it can always get worse, Wisconsin Senate Republicans have entered the debate on school accountability with a proposal, Senate Bill 1, even weaker than the bill proposed by their counterparts in the state Assembly. [Capital Times]

Scott Walker Just Pulled Off a Supreme Court Coup in Wisconsin

One Wisconsin Now called the decision a “get-out-of-jail-free card” for powerful interests that invest in Supreme Court races. “The vast majority of spending to elect these four justices was done by these entities,” Ross said. [Daily Beast]

Scott Walker slams Hillary Clinton, Democrats hit back

The liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now tweeted on Thursday: “um, @ScottWalker, elected official 76% of his adult life. @HillaryClinton, elected official 16% of her adult life.” The math checks out. [Capital Times]

Daniel Bice politics chat

For the uninitiated, OWN is the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. They have story suggestions and tips, some of which I like and others that I do not. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Reaction to Walker’s State of State speech

“We see Wisconsin as a state in need of improvement,” said Scot Ross, director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. “Our schools and workforce are among the best in the nation. But the facts show Scott Walker has failed to deliver, leaving us with lagging job growth and stagnant wages.” [Associated Press]

State has selected developer for massive Hill Farms project

One Wisconsin Now previously accused the Walker administration of steering contracts to campaign contributors. One of the finalists is a company owned by prominent Dane County developer and Walker donor Terrence Wall. There were also Walker donors among the other finalist groups and those cut earlier in the process. [Wisconsin State Journal]

Group seeks attorney general opinion on Deanna Alexander’s fundraising

One Wisconsin Now, a liberal group based in Madison, on Friday asked Attorney General Brad Schimel for an opinion on whether Milwaukee County Supervisor Deanna Alexander violated state law last year by using social media to solicit contributions for family expenses. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Back in Action: Walker for president?

Democrats and liberal groups like One Wisconsin Now say Walker will use his budget to prove his presidential timber, by pushing policies like drug testing for welfare recipients. [Capital Times]

The political pitfalls of cultural crossover: Scott Walker edition

In an undated letter unearthed by the liberal group One Wisconsin Now during the August release of documents from the first of two John Doe investigations related to the governor, Walker responded to a letter from Milwaukee attorney and chairman of the Wisconsin Center District Franklyn Gimbel… The letter is signed, “Thank you again and Molotov.” [Capital Times]

ProfitShip Learning

According to a report by One Wisconsin Now, the Milwaukee-based Bradley Foundation is a major underwriter of this propaganda effort. [The Progressive]

Right-to-work group launches after governor, legislators say issue not a priority

“It’s the same playbook from four years ago that tore Wisconsin apart,” Ross said in a statement. “Gov. Walker says anything to get elected and now he and his Republican front groups are ready to launch a frontal assault on Wisconsin’s middle class working women and men.” [Racine Journal Times]

Republicans Smear Mary Burke, Sneer at Minimum Wage

“The wallet and fingerprints of Scott Walker’s campaign co-chair Michael Grebe are all over this last-second desperate smear against Mary Burke,” says One Wisconsin Now executive director Scot Ross. [The Progressive]

Degrees of risk: College is a financial gamble for too many

Activists like Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now are arguing that student loans should be a deciding issue in the Nov. 4 election. Democratic challenger Mary Burke is making college affordability a pillar of her economic recovery plan. [Capital Times]

Liberal group says Brad Schimel ‘trying to have it both ways’ on abortion laws

A liberal advocacy group contends that Brad Schimel, the Republican candidate for attorney general, has voiced conflicting intentions regarding his approach to laws struck down by the courts. “Brad Schimel has been caught in a lie, and he seems to be having trouble deciding who to admit he is lying to,” Dye said. [Capital Times]

Scott Walker scores big PAC donations after limits lifted

“Half of the $80 million Scott Walker’s raised comes from outside of Wisconsin, and we all remember when he when flew to Las Vegas, hat in hand, to beg Sheldon Adelson for his support,” said Scot Ross. [Capital Times]

Candidates Court ‘Basement Grads’ Who Struggle With Student Debt

Scot Ross, the executive director of One Wisconsin Now, believes the issue could one day be as important as Social Security or Medicaid. Nearly three quarters of college students leave school with loans, and the average debt load is about $30,000, according to government data. More than one in 10 borrowers is in default. Student […] [Wall Street Journal]

In 2010, Scott Walker’s campaign sought to keep IBM ‘happy’

Liberal group One Wisconsin Now accused Walker of “hypocrisy” because he was copied on those emails while at the same time promising on the campaign trail to “restore Wisconsin’s reputation for clean and honest government through transparency in the state contracting process.” [Wisconsin State Journal]

Scott Walker’s Corruption Problem

New documents released show that Walker helped his longtime campaign treasurer get inside information for a bid to lease office space to the county. Ross, who describes Walker’s administration as “arguably one of the most corrupt in recent history,” is calling for those aides, Cindy Archer and Jim Villa, to resign [The Progressive]

The Lost Generation

According to a report from the One Wisconsin Institute, the devastating effects of student loan debt “may reduce new vehicle spending by as much as an estimated $6.4 billion annually in the US.. [Truth-Out]

Does Wisconsin Have a Work Problem?

The first red flag is a claim from the nonpartisan watchdog group One Wisconsin Now that 13,000 of the jobs posted aren’t in Wisconsin but in neighboring states like Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois. [Shepherd Express]

Who Will Be Wisconsin’s Next Attorney General?

One Wisconsin Now sent Schimel a complaint about the deal, but Schimel declined to investigate. “Isn’t that the essence of representative government?” Schimel said of the Kleefisch-Eisenga relationship. [Shepherd Express]