
Potential signs of economic decline

The impact of student debt has translated into over $6 billion in losses for automotive sales every year, based on a report by One Wisconsin Institute, an organization involved in fixing the student debt crisis. [Coyote Chronicle]

Students deserve tuition break

The average debt per student in Wisconsin is nearly $25,000… That’s the 15th highest rate in the nation, and 67 percent of graduating students in the state will have some form of debt. [Fourth Estate]

GOP ad buy for Walker tops $1 million, liberal group say

Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin, said Republicans donors have “pressed the panic button” on Walker’s campaign. ”(Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce’s) million dollar buy didn’t move the needle,” Ross said, referring to another recent ad supporting Walker. “And so now RGA is doing the dirty work and spending in Wisconsin before they’ve dumped money practically […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Emails pose problem for Wisconsin governor

The messages “unmask the real Gov. Walker,” said Mike Browne, deputy director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. “He is revealed as a politician personally managing the minutest details of his public persona and during times of crisis showing more concern for protecting his image and prospects for higher political office than solving problems,” Browne […] [Associated Press]

One Wisconsin Now Does the Leg Work – AB 748 Written by Voucher Lobby

Remember when news broke that AB 748, a bill dealing with voucher schools accreditation standards, was being put on the lightning fast track of having a public hearing a day after being introduced? Well, according to One Wisconsin Now they know why. It appears the American Federation for Children co-sponsored Rep. Jessie Rodriguez was more […] [Wisconsin Soapbox]

10 Fun Facts About the Student Debt Crisis

According to a report by the One Wisconsin Institute, the impact of student debt translates into over $6 billion in lost automotive sales each year. General Motors is also taking note. [Huffington Post]

United Sportsmen seeks exemption from penalty for faulty tax filings

Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said United Sportsmen’s sole source of funding appeared to be a conservative political group and that its main spending went to a GOP campaign consultant. “It is clear, based on their track record, that had United Sportsmen gotten state funding as envisioned by Governor Walker […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Lawmaker withdraws child support bill aimed at helping GOP donor

The liberal group One Wisconsin Now sent a letter to Waukesha County District Attorney Brad Schimel asking him to investigate the drafting of the special-interest bill, saying “this affair reeks of impropriety.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Issue of the Week: Walker and Kleefisch’s War on Workers

Recently, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch led a closed-door roundtable discussion about taxes with some business leaders in Beloit. After viewing footage of the meeting obtained by One Wisconsin Now, we can see why Kleefisch and the Walker administration didn’t want the public to hear what they discussed. [Shepherd Express]

On the Capitol: Everybody’s working on the weekend?

“Scott Walker’s legislative confederate, who wants to eliminate the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday and voted to water down child labor laws, now has ending the weekend in his legislative crosshairs,” Ross said. “To do the bidding of their corporate donors, is restoration of indentured servitude coming next from the Walker Republicans?” [Wisconsin State Journal]

Glenn Grothman, Wisconsin GOP Senator, Fights For A Seven-Day Workweek

Grothman’s proposing legislation that “would allow an employee to voluntarily choose to work without one day of rest in seven,” according to an email sent by his office to other state lawmakers on Friday. The email, which was sent to The Huffington Post by the progressive group One Wisconsin Now, was asking lawmakers to cosponsor […] [Huffington Post]

Scott Walker: Eliminating income tax, raising sales tax on the table

One Wisconsin Now deputy director Mike Browne questioned why Walker would continue with trickle-down economic policies… “You’re increasing a tax burden on those least able to pay,” Browne said of raising sales taxes. “I’m not quite sure what that helps in terms of having a tax code that treats everyone in Wisconsin fairly.” [Wisconsin State Journal]

Conservative state lawmaker borrows liberally from congressmen’s words

The similarities were noticed by a Republican lawmaker, who asked not to be named because he works with Kleefisch, and the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. “Looks to me like good ol’ Joel is a taker instead of a maker,” said Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

One Wisconsin Now asks for Kleefisch meeting video

One Wisconsin Now organization has filed an open records request for a recording done in Beloit with Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and Department of Revenue Secretary Rick Chandler. The two held a tax reform roundtable with local businesses at Beloit College on Monday. The Beloit Daily News was not let into the meeting until an hour […] [Beloit Daily News]

Broad Support for Wisconsin’s “Higher Ed, Lower Debt Act”

Support is growing for a Wisconsin plan to address the harsh burdens of huge student loan debt. Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, said many people are not aware of the magnitude of the problem. [Public News Service]

Candidates by any other name: Do they smell as sweet?

The history of state and national politics teems with campaigns’ colorful and cutting attempts to breed distrust and even contempt for political rivals… And the liberal group One Wisconsin Now publicly refers to a Republican state representative from Hartford as Don “White” Pridemore, alleging his Arizona-style immigration bill is racist. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Scot Ross: Memo to Gov. Scott Walker and GOP legislators: Voters are not the enemy

There’s fraud in Wisconsin elections — but the impropriety isn’t happening in polling places on Election Day. It’s being perpetrated in our state Capitol where Gov. Walker and his lapdog Republican Legislature continue to manipulate the rules on voting to gain a partisan political advantage. [Capital Times]

Private-school students claim most vouchers

“These numbers expose the expansion of the unaccountable private school voucher program for the scam that it is,” said Scot Ross, director of the anti-voucher group One Wisconsin Now. [Stevens Point Journal]

Scott Suder steps away from job in Scott Walker’s administration

Just days before receiving the grant, the lobbyist for United Sportsmen offered free fishing excursions to Suder, the Journal Sentinel reported Monday. The day the trip began, Suder joined 17 other Republicans in urging a committee to give the grant to United Sportsmen. The liberal group One Wisconsin Now filed an ethics complaint with the […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Complaint filed against Suder for lobbyist fishing trip

One Wisconsin Now is requesting the Government Accountability Board conduct an investigation of possible state ethics violations after United Sportsmen, a group set to receive a $500,000 grant which was later rescinded, offered a two-day Lake Michigan fishing trip to former Assembly Majority Leader Scott Suder, R-Abbotsford, who helped author the grant. [Badger Herald]

Pay Off a Student Loan or Buy a Home?

The nonprofit One Wisconsin Institute, a liberal nonprofit research group, found that the average payoff time for a student loan was 21 years. That’s a long time to wait to buy a home. [Lender Hookup]

Suder’s fishing trip questioned

One Wisconsin Now filed a formal complaint with the state Government Accountability Board asking for an investigation of possible violations of state ethics laws based on the report, Scot Ross, its executive director, said in a news release. [Eau Claire Leader-Telegram]

Liberal group files ethics complaint against Scott Suder over fishing trip

A liberal group filed an ethics complaint Monday against former Assembly Majority Leader Scott Suder and a lobbyist for a self-described sportsmen group for going on a fishing trip together just days before the group got a now-canceled $500,000 state grant. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Wisconsin Representatives reflect on student loan debt

State legislators participating in a student debt panel on campus Tuesday said despite holding statewide elected offices, they are still paying off the loans they took out to finance their college education. [Badger Herald]

Five themes from Fighting Bob Fest

On the heels of legislation introduced by Rep. Mark Pocan that would allow anyone with federal student loans to refinance them to the lowest interest rates available. [Capital Times]

Walker campaign draws disclosure complaint

Liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now is hoping its latest complaint against Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign gets more traction than the last one. [La Crosse Tribune]

Wisconsin State Senate Pushes Voting Law Overhaul

“This is part of a larger and continuing effort on the part of Republicans to restrict voting by the people they don’t want to cast a ballot,” Mike Browne, deputy director of watchdog group One Wisconsin Now, said. [Huffington Post]

Voter Suppression Bills Target Early Voters, Seniors and the Disabled

OWN found that despite the Republicans’ charges that widespread voter fraud was plaguing Wisconsin’s elections, fewer than two dozen people have been convicted of voter fraud since 2004. More than 14 million votes were cast during that time. [Express Milwaukee]

Fewer Young Americans Have Full-Time Jobs Now Than Last Year

A recent survey from One Wisconsin Institute, a communication network for Wisconsin progressives, found that it will take the average student loan borrower more than 21 years to completely pay off their debt. [Alfred Woody]

Debt shuts students out of housing market

Americans paying off student loans are, depending on income, 25 to 36 percent less likely to own a home than those who are free of student debt, a One Wisconsin Now survey of 61,000 people found last month. Indebted graduates faced an average of 21 years of debt before their student loans were paid off. [Telegram]

Walker Only Sixth Worst Governor

The watchdog One Wisconsin Now reported owners and employees of businesses receiving WEDC funds contributed more than $614,000 to Walker’s political campaigns and to the Republican Governors Association, which then contributed lavishly to Walker. [Express Milwaukee]