
Protests target M&I

But the principal hasn’t been paid back yet. Unions and liberal groups like One Wisconsin Now are also upset that M & I executives gave more money to Scott Walker during last year’s governor’s race, than the officials did to Democrat Tom Barrett. [Superior Telegram]

Greetings From Fitzwalkerstan: Wisconsin GOP Denies Legislative Democrats Voting Rights

“Senator Scott Fitzgerald isn’t content with illegally passing a bill which takes away the rights of 175,000 working Wisconsinites and now has expanded his attacks to disenfranchise the voices of 2.2 million more Wisconsin residents and taxpayers,” declared Scot Ross, the executive director of the One Wisconsin Now advocacy group, who referred to Fitzgerald’s latest […] [AFL-CIO]

One Wisconsin Now Statements Regarding Fitzgerald Rights’ Denial to 2.2 Million Wisconsinites

“Considering how the Republicans plan to slash $900 million from our public schools, cut health care for 1 million Wisconsinites, raise prescription drug costs for countless seniors, raise taxes on the working poor by $51 million while at the same time handing $200 million in tax breaks for the wealthy and corporate special interests, Sen. […] [CommonDreams]

Wisconsin Governor Rebuffs FOIA Requests

One Wisconsin Now, a progressive, nonprofit advocacy group, also has requested the emails, it said in a statement. The group said that Walker’s administration told Isthmus and the AP it would charge $31,000 to fulfill their request for the records. [Courthouse News Service]

2 Wisconsin lawmakers lauded for openness efforts

No Friend of Openness Award: Scott Southworth. “The district attorney of Juneau County withheld many of the records sought by a political advocacy group and The Capital Times of Madison, drawing a lawsuit by the group, One Wisconsin Now (OWN). [Washington Examiner]

Gov. Scott Walker Refusing To Release Details Of Contacts With Koch Industries

Over two weeks after receiving a request from One Wisconsin Now, Walker’s administration has refused to release details of its contacts with lobbyists from Koch Industries, run by billionaire arch-conservatives Charles and David Koch. The group requested “all email and written communications between Koch Industries’ lead Wisconsin lobbyist and the office of Gov. Scott Walker […] [Think Progress]

VSEA & VT AFL-CIO call on Vermont Republican Party to rescind Reince Priebus invitation

Charbonneau said the AFL-CIO and VSEA are also concerned about some of the allegations leveled against Priebus by Wisconsin organizations like One Wisconsin Now, whose director warned after Priebus’ election “Now that Reince Priebus will have the RNC’s treasury at his disposal, those across the country interested in fair and clean elections will be on […] [VSEA]

4 take issue with meeting

Scot Ross, executive director of a progressive advocacy group called One Wisconsin Now, took exception to that, arguing that the Senate rule applied only to the Senate and that there is no rule that applies to the conference committee. “Sen. (Scott) Fitzgerald is trying to cover his tracks for what was essentially an illegal meeting […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Open Awards toast open government

No Friend of Openness Award (the “Nopee”): Scott Southworth. The district attorney of Juneau County withheld many of the records sought by a political advocacy group and The Capital Times of Madison, drawing a lawsuit by the group, One Wisconsin Now (OWN). Southworth admitted the violation and agreed to pay $8,950 in legal fees and […] [WisOpinion]

In Walker’s own words: Why collective bargaining is a fiscal issue

How is the possible to split the budget review bill if the governor says repeatedly it’s got a fiscal impact, asks Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now. They sort of slipped by wirthout much notice, but Walker’s office issued a series of four news releases in late February, each one titled, “Why Collective bargaining is […] [Uppity Wisconsin]

Follow the money… or the attorney getting the money

Back to attorney Jim Troupis. One Wisconsin Now uncovered who this man really is in 2009. They found significant business relationships with David Prosser and Legislative Republicans, big clients of Troupis’ legal career. [Mark Pocan]

Walker budget trims tax credit for working poor

Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget would reduce a tax credit program for many of the working poor by $41.3 million over two years – a change that critics say violates his pledge not to raise any taxes…”He is increasing taxes on the working poor,” said Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Your Right to Know: Opee Awards toast open government

The district attorney of Juneau County withheld many of the records sought by a political advocacy group and The Capital Times, drawing a lawsuit by the group, One Wisconsin Now (OWN). [Capital Times]

Absent 14 have saved taxpayers $42M

One Wisconsin Now was the first to point it out in a news release. And Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton, has been saying it to anybody who will listen,  He said the restructuring plan will add between $40 million and $45 million to the state’s long-term debt. “It’s all about deferring payments,” Erpenbach said. “He is kicking […] [Uppity Wisconsin]

Records, please

But not all observers are chuckling. The Madison-based liberal group, One Wisconsin Now, has adopted a frowny watchdog visage: Last week it filed a records request with Walker’s office seeking “all written communications and records of scheduled meetings between Koch Industries’ top in-state lobbyist and the office of Gov. Scott Walker, his former transition office […] [Milwaukee News Buzz]

Hear the Joyous Sound of Wisconsin

This video by One Wisconsin Now is an inspirational look at the protests Madison over the last two weeks. [United Steel Workers]

Police won’t boot Wisconsin protesters

Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, speaks at a rally outside of the Wisconsin State Capital on Day 11 of protests in Madison, Wisconsin, over Governor Scott Walker’s budget repair bill. [Ball State Daily News]

Protestors ready for arrests that seem unlikely to come

At about 3 p.m. today Scott Ross of One Wisconsin Now moderated a press conference on behalf of several protestors who planned to stay in the Capitol after 4 p.m. and, if necessary, be arrested.  [Dane 101]

Two Nights in Madison’s Capitol: The Great Class War Sleepover

If Walker is as dim a bulb as recent events have revealed him to be, the FOIA request filed yesterday by One Wisconsin Now for all communications and meetings between Walker and Koch lobbyists may prove devastating. The Kochs’ answer? “We have no choice but to continue to fight.” [The Awl]

Fuse Organizes Support For Wisconsin

“I just got an update from our partners at One Wisconsin Now, and I am fired up about what’s happening in Madison. For more than a week, thousands of teachers, nurses, firefighters, and grassroots activists in Wisconsin have been rallying at the capitol to protect the rights of working families. And with each passing day […] [KSTW]

Budget debate: 2/25

Scot Ross (far right corner), executive director of One Wisconsin Now speaks at a rally outside of the State Capital on day 11 of protests over Gov. Scott Walker’s budget-repair bill. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Liberal group files open records request against Walker

One Wisconsin Now, a liberal activist group, today filed an open records request for all written communications and records of scheduled meetings between Koch Industries’ top in-state lobbyist and Walker’s office, his former transition office and the Wisconsin Department of Administration. [Biz Times]

Walker’s Fiscal Agenda: Yes to Corporations, No to the Middle Class

The Executive Director of One Wisconsin Now, Scot Ross, commented that he was “handing out [millions] in special interest spending to his corporate pals and he’s going to make our children pay for it by taking loans the state was ready to pay off and borrow more money on them.” [Progressive States]

Wiskochsin Is Open For Bu$ine$$

The good folks at One Wisconsin Now was also kind enough to transcribe the entire conversation. [Cognitive Dissidence]

Research Roundup

In this brief, One Wisconsin Now details Wisconsin Gov. Walker’s track record with pushing for the privatization of public assets in recent years, and documents the excessive costs, mismanagement, high risks, job loss, lost accountability, and negative impacts on the middle class, working families, and vulnerable populations that have occurred as a result of these […] [Progressive States]

The Selling of Wisconsin: Enter Koch Brothers’ Bag Man Jeffrey Schoepke

Much has recently been made of the revelation that Koch Industries was Walker’s second biggest supporter, ponying up $43,000 and giving $1 million to the Republican Governor’s Association, which itself spent $65,000 on supporting Walker (and $3.4 million against his opponent). All of this was actually noted way back in September, 2010, by Scot Ross […] [The Awl]

Rev. Jesse Jackson Marches With Madison — GRITtv special

The fight against Scott Walker’s attack on working people isn’t just in Madison–and it isn’t just about a budget repair bill, say Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now and State Assemblyman Cory Mason. Hundreds of people are protesting and attending town halls in towns across the state, sometimes towns with only a few thousand people […] [Uptake]

Koch brothers play self-serving role in Wisconsin battle

“They put all this money into getting him elected and now they are reaping the benefit,” One Wisconsin Now director Scot Ross said, “whether it’s reducing the rights of working families in Wisconsin as well as this payoff on the power plants.” [Peoples World]

Buried in the Bill

“They put all of this money into getting him elected and now they are reaping the benefit, whether it’s reducing the rights of working families in Wisconsin as well as this payoff on the power plants,” said One Wisconsin Now director Scot Ross. [Pierce County Herald]

Wisconsin & the Importance of Coalitions

After years of complaining they’d been out-organized by Republicans, liberals seem to have their own three-headed monster these days to boost Dem candidates. One Wisconsin Now works the message angle, Advancing Wisconsin focuses on GOTV, and the Greater Wisconsin Committee does the ads. Their finger prints can be seen all over the Assembly seats that […] [DailyKos]

Battle for Wisconsin

One Wisconsin Now’s petition opposing Scott Walker’s unprecedented power grab and move to take rights away from Wisconsinite’s while refusing to negotiate with them. [The Lost Albatross]

US Rep. Ron Kind Urges Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker to Withdraw Union-Busting Plan

“Walker keeps talking about how the state is broke, yet he had no problem making $3.8 billion in campaign pledges to the wealthy to reduce the state’s tax collections,” Pocan charged, citing figures estimated by the liberal advocacy group, One Wisconsin Now. “Furthermore, he later promised an additional $1.5 billion pledge to repeal the corporate […] [Faithful Progressive]

Is the state budget really in crisis? Depends who you ask

“Walker keeps talking about how the state is broke, yet he had no problem making $3.8 billion in campaign pledges to the wealthy to reduce the state’s tax collections,” Pocan charged, citing figures estimated by the liberal advocacy group, One Wisconsin Now. “Furthermore, he later promised an additional $1.5 billion pledge to repeal the corporate […] [Wisconsin State Journal]

What’s at Stake in Wisconsin’s Budget Battle

But when it became obvious that the governor had the votes to pass it, Mr. Jauch and his 13 Democratic colleagues got on a bus and fled the state to deprive Republicans of a sufficient quorum to conduct any legislative business. They were later found at a Best Western Hotel in Rockford, Ill. Scot Ross, […] [Wall Street Journal]

Analysis: Despite budget woes, state less in crisis now than two years ago

Scot Ross of the left-leaning group One Wisconsin Now went a step further, calling the Walker plan a “handout in special interest spending to his corporate pals.” Ross was referring to $117.2 million in tax breaks approved by the Republican-controlled Legislature in January. Those items making health savings accounts tax deductible, tax deductions for businesses […] [Capital Times]

Why Walker Created His “Fiscal Crisis”

Up until now, Walker has been successful in spinning his fake budget crisis. However, Walker has been so careless in his pledges, that One Wisconsin Now has captured every single special-interest pledge Governor Gimmick (Walker’s new nickname) has made. You can find a citation for every single dollar of the nearly $5.3 billion in pledges […] [Mark Pocan]

Controversial budget bill passes committee, moves to Senate

“This indefinite mobilization will continue as people across Wisconsin try to stop this wrong-headed assault on workers,” said Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. “The opposition gets stronger every day.” [Chippewa Herald]

What does Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker really want?

One Wisconsin Now, the progressive watchdog group that has provided the closest monitoring of Walker’s budgetary gamesmanship, explains: “Since his inauguration in early January, Walker has approved $140 million in new special-interest [Unions]