
Scott Walker huddles with GOP donors at NFC game

Walker, his wife, Tonette, and their sons, Matt and Alex, all traveled to the game and drew notice from liberal critics such as the group One Wisconsin Now. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Voter Suppression Works Too Well

Frank v. Walker as well as One Wisconsin Institute, Inc., et al. v. Mark Thomsen, et al., both cases that contest Wisconsin’s photo-ID laws. [American Prospect]

Paul Ryan’s Patriotism At Issue?

Ryan hasn’t had much of an explanation. “Paul Ryan has put partisanship and political expediency before principle and patriotism,” charges Scot Ross. [Urban Milwaukee]

Rexnord workers caught in Trump vs. union war of words

“Tax credits are the government putting their finger on the scale,” said Jenni Dye, research director for One Wisconsin Now, a liberal public policy group in Madison. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Clarke meets with Donald Trump in New York

This guy, who spends more time chasing media appearances than doing his job, has no business anywhere close to a job with responsibility for protecting national security. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Wisconsin’s “epidemic” of voter suppression

Scot Ross of the liberal One Wisconsin Institute, says restrictive voting laws could have turned the state red for the first time in 32 years of presidential elections. [Isthmus]

Did Voter ID Hand Wisconsin to Trump?

Analiese Eicher, program and development director for One Wisconsin Institute, said the voter ID law had an impact on voter turnout. [Shepherd Express]

Could Wisconsin point way for nation?

Jenni Dye [research director for One Wisconsin Now] sees a value to organizing around issues like college debt relief that resonate with voters. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

GOP leader wants early voting limits

Scot Ross said the statements by Vos suggested Republicans realize they may not get Peterson’s ruling on the voting rules overturned. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Liquor store owner pumps cash into campaigns

Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said the donations could signal GOP lawmakers will change licensing laws to help Total Wine. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]