The Reality of Scott Walker’s Record on Reproductive Health
WALKER RHETORIC: “I’ve always been pro-life and I’ve got a position I think is consistent with many Americans out there.”
WISCONSIN REALITY: By eliminating state funding for Planned Parenthood, Walker forced the closure of five rural family planning health centers, cutting access to more than 18,800 health services including cancer screenings, birth control, and health exams for over 3,100 Wisconsinites. [Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin]
WISCONSIN REALITY: Scott Walker is so extreme when it comes to reproductive health that he promised an anti-choice special interest group that he supports banning abortion in all circumstances, without exceptions, even to save the life of the mother. He told the same group he would support so-called “personhood” measures, which could outlaw some common forms of birth control. [2010 Pro-Life Wisconsin Questionnaire]
WISCONSIN REALITY: During his first term as governor, Walker repealed Wisconsin’s Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which made it easier and less costly for employees to hold employers accountable for discrimination. Repealing the equal pay measure was on the agenda of some of Walker’s biggest supporters, who spent $8 million in support of Walker prior to the repeal. [Huffington Post, 4/6/2012; Campaign Finance Information System; Wisconsin Democracy Campaign]
More on the Wisconsin Reality of Scott Walker’s record on this and other issue is available at The Scott Walker Files.