The Screnock Rule: No Campaign Check = No Time For You
Court Candidate Michael Screnock Made Time for Speech to Big Spending Special Interests, Can’t Make Time to Appear at Event and Answer Questions From Legal Professionals

MADISON, Wis. — According the state news service, Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Michael Screnock will be a no-show at a forum sponsored by the Dane County Bar Association today. Screnock cited an unspecified scheduling conflict as his excuse.
“Michael Screnock was able to make time to come to Madison to deliver an in-person ‘thank you’ to the special interests that spent big money to get him through the primary election,” said One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross. “But apparently he isn’t willing or able to find the time to answer questions from Wisconsin legal professionals today.”
In late February, Screnock was able to clear his midweek calendar to deliver a midday speech before the Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce in Madison. A review of Screnock’s publicly available court calendar by One Wisconsin Now revealed no scheduled appointments today that would prevent him from attending the Bar Association forum, also being held in Madison.
Ross noted that the state big business lobby WMC poured almost $600,000 into television ads to boost Screnock in just the primary election.
In his address to the group Screnock thanked them “for all the support up to today.” He has also indicated he’ll show the special interests his gratitude by refusing to say he’d excuse himself from court cases involving his big campaign donors.
“Michael Screnock is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. ‘Hide’ in his public appearances. Which one you get depends on whether or not you’re willing to open your checkbook to support his campaign,” concluded Ross.