The Three Trillion Dollar War
Later this afternoon, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the War in Iraq, national security and economic experts will reflect on the true cost of the war in a press conference. The event is sponsored by the Iraq Campaign 2008 Coalition and will feature Nobel prize winner Joseph E. Stiglitz and Harvard professor Linda J. Bilmes. The two scholars recently released the book ‘The Three Trillion Dollar War.’ In it they document how the war in Iraq has contributed to the U.S. economic slowdown and that it is now impeding economic recovery. They estimate that the war will reach $3 trillion and could even surpass the cost of World War II.
With record oil and gas prices, rising family debt, and many families losing their homes, these experts will call on President Bush, Senator John McCain and their allies to invest in America, not endless war in Iraq. Critical priorities here at home, like education and healthcare, veterans and seniors have been shortchanged for 5 years while President Bush spends billions each week in Iraq and our brave soldiers continue to make the ultimate sacrifice.