Walker’s wild train attack runs off the rails
Scott Walker’s blast at Tom Barrett and Jim Doyle over the award of a train contract that is bringing jobs to Milwaukee is hysterical in
both senses of the word.
Walker’s way-over-the-top news release, accusing Barrett and Doyle of everything short of racketeering, sounds like Walker may be hysterical, if not rabid.
It’s also hysterical in the sense that it’s laughable. The more you read, and the more you find out the facts, the funnier it gets.
Walker’s beef is that a Spanish train company has decided to build its cars at the former A.O. Smith yard instead of at Super Steel, a Milwaukee firm owned by one of Walker’s sugar daddies, Fred Luber, a major donor who was his finance co-chair when he ran for governor in 2006.
Walker fulminates about Doyle giving the Spanish company, Talgo, a no-bid contract, about Barrett using tax money to offer incentives for the company to come to Milwaukee, and on and on.
A couple of thoughts:
First, Barrett is the mayor of Milwaukee, and his job is to try to bring jobs and economic development to the city. Walker and Luber Walker complain about
Barretts use of taxpayer funds from the office of Milwaukee City Development to unfairly compete against Super Steel as well as proposed sites in Appleton, Janesville, and Racine in an apparent effort to boost his image in the race for Governor.
Or in an apparent effort to do his job. City development funds are intended to bring jobs to Milwaukee, not Appleton or Janesville or Racine. If you’re governor, that’s a different story. Wonder how many jobs Walker has brought to Racine or Janesville, since he has brought precious few to Milwaukee County in the last 8 years.
Walker says Super Steel got dissed in the process, but Barrett actually signed an appeal to Talgo asking the company to use the Super Steel facility.
Walker also blasts Doyle for using a no-bid contract with Talgo for the trains, but that has been the law since 1997, when it was changed to exempt passenger rail purchases from the states competitive bidding rules.
Let’s see, was Jim Doyle the governor in 1997? No, it was a guy named Tommy Thompson. Fred Luber was a major Thompson fundraiser and donor.
There’s more, but it seems like overkill.
How desperate is the Walker campaign — and how inept?