Will Alberta Darling Accept Invitation the Racist Tea Party Express?

It’s no secret that a lot of the tea party movement anger is fueled by a combination of ignorance and racism.

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But as this caravan of extremism trucks in a cadre of malcontents, ne-er do wells, and in the case of Joe the Not Plumber, lampreys on the corporate money shark, one wonders: Will Alberta Darling accept their invitation to come and speak?

We’ve documented tea party racism and hatred in Wisconsin, here…and…here. And here, where the-wackadoo Tea Party Express spokesliar Mark Williams told Wisconsin that “political correctness was responsible for 9/11 and political correctness was responsible for Barack Obama.”

Let’s also not forget this appalling episode of the Tea Party Express, when Williams said in a hateful letter to the NAACP, “I am disinclined to take lectures on racial sensitivity from a group that insists on calling black people, ‘Colored.’”


The question is: Will Alberta Darling join the hate fest, or will she condemn, or will she offer the kind of wink and nod to the hatred, ignorance and extremism of the tea party?

Remember it was the tea party that in 2010 was going to dispatch its people as the poll workers to suppress minority and students votes

This may be why many elected Republicans, like Scott Walker, have embraced this hateful movement. What will Alberta Darling do when they’re in her community this week?


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