Wisconsin Superintendent: Regrets decision to prohibit live Obama education speech

WauwatosaNOW has reported that Wauwatosa School District Superintendent Phil Ertl has admitted he was wrong to prevent students from viewing last week’€™s live broadcast of President Obama’s education speech.

“(In) hindsight, I think I would have made a different decision on it,” Ertl said. “As I look at it, it is our president of our country and the opportunity for him to speak without disruption, I think, would have been a decision I could have made that would have been beneficial to everyone in our district.”

The comments came on the heels of a comprehensive open records request filed the week before by One Wisconsin Now asking for copies of all e-mails received by school personnel prior to Ertl’€™s indefensible decision. At a Monday school board meeting, Ertl was unanimously criticized by the board for prohibiting the live speech. The news story read, ‘€œSeveral board members said they have received many e-mails and phone calls from residents opposed to Ertl’s choice, but few who backed the decision.’€
Similar requests have been filed with a number of Wisconsin school districts that made a similar ill-advised decisions to prohibit the speech’€™s live viewing.

(Note: One Wisconsin Now, a statewide progressive issue advocacy and communications organization, is in no way affiliated with WauwatosaNOW.com, an online media outlet.)


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