“Young Gun” Paul Ryan Comically Misfires with No-Numbers Budget Nonsense
“Young Gun” Paul Ryan (cue shootin’ sound effect) wants to answer critics who say the numbers don’t add up when it comes to the GOP’s fiscal policy of helping working families by making them pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest billionaires and millionaires.
He’s offered a budget plan that includes no numbers.
This is Paul Ryan’s repsonse to the historic economic collapse caused by the eight straight GOP budgets he’s cheerfully voted for, as well as the $8 trillion insurance and drug company giveaway through Medicare Part D and this godforsaken disaster in Iraq.An alleged budget plan. But one with no numbers. No deficit reduction facts. No specifics on spending. No figures on taxes.
Along side his other sad-faced GOP House leaders, Ryan tossed out an austere-looking, blue-bound sheaf of a papers to fix the nation’s budget woes.
But again, one with no numbers. No deficit reduction facts. No specifics on spending. No figures on taxes.
Over eight years, the “Young Gun” voted eight straight times to pass budgets which permitted the greatest transfer of wealth from the working people of America into the hands of the wealthiest human beings who have ever inhabited the earth.
If they ever do offer numbers, I’d bet dollars to donuts it’ll be more of the same: tax cuts for the rich that working families will pay to finance.
Thank goodness, though, the “Young Gun” will have little to do with the budget that actually passes.