Scott Walker Says He Respects Others, Regardless of Their Beliefs* in Television Ad
*Unless You’re a Woman, Person of Color, Migrant Family, Student or Sex Assault Survivor
*Unless You’re a Woman, Person of Color, Migrant Family, Student or Sex Assault Survivor
It is a grievous misunderstanding of scripture and misuse of the Christian faith to use it to try to justify the horror of what was being done to families.
Gov. Scott Walker’s Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW) will be charging $50 per person for a “pay to pray” breakfast on Sunday.
When the head of Gov. Walker's job creation agency makes dozens of workers choose between their religion and their jobs, it's another reminder of why Wisconsin remains at the bottom of job creation in the Midwest. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Have decisions to try to undermine state law requiring contraceptive equity and lawsuits to block marriage equality been informed by political ambition?
One Wisconsin Now, a liberal advocacy group that tracks Walker's statements, said they had no record of him previously addressing his beliefs on evolution. [Associated Press]
One Wisconsin Now, a liberal advocacy group that tracks Walker’s statements, said they had no record of his previously addressing his beliefs on evolution. [Associated Press]