Higher Education

One Wisconsin Now slams Scott Walker’s tech school tour

Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now questions Governor Scott Walker’s motive as the Republican tours five of the state’s 16 technical colleges just two days after being elected to a second term. “He’s using technical colleges as a photo-op as he prepares to make another run for higher office and it’s a sad indictment on […] [Wisconsin Radio Network]

Degrees of risk: College is a financial gamble for too many

Activists like Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now are arguing that student loans should be a deciding issue in the Nov. 4 election. Democratic challenger Mary Burke is making college affordability a pillar of her economic recovery plan. [Capital Times]

Candidates Court ‘Basement Grads’ Who Struggle With Student Debt

Scot Ross, the executive director of One Wisconsin Now, believes the issue could one day be as important as Social Security or Medicaid. Nearly three quarters of college students leave school with loans, and the average debt load is about $30,000, according to government data. More than one in 10 borrowers is in default. Student […] [Wall Street Journal]

The Lost Generation

According to a report from the One Wisconsin Institute, the devastating effects of student loan debt “may reduce new vehicle spending by as much as an estimated $6.4 billion annually in the US.. [Truth-Out]

MEMO: A $1.2 Trillion Crisis

Students, borrowers and their families are increasingly being squeezed by a system in which dramatic cuts to the university and technical colleges, skyrocketing tuition and profiteering by big banks and the federal government has resulted in nearly 40 million borrowers holding over $1.2 trillion nationally. Since 2000, student loan debt has grown exponentially, from $200 […]

Long-term student debt is a drag on economy

As if we didn’t already have enough evidence of the ill effects of the heavy burden of student loan debt, there was new evidence last week that the damage isn’t just confined to students themselves. [Racine Journal Times]

Study shows minority students take on more debt

One Wisconsin Intern Miles Brown, an African American who is now a senior at UW-Madison says he grew up in poverty, in a family where no one had a 4-year-degree. [WKOW-TV]

Student loan debt movie makes Milwaukee premiere

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was also on hand for Monday's discussions along with student loan debt reform advocate Scot Ross, Executive Director of One Wisconsin. [WDJT-TV]

One Wisconsin, Mark Pocan featured on PBS NewsHour

Could the country's more than 40 million student loan borrowers become a voting bloc with a voice? One Wisconsin Now, the liberal advocacy group headquartered in Madison, says yes. [Capital Times]

Jacob Schimmel: Walker breaks ‘covenant’ with students

Common sense would tell you that when crucial educational programs are cut, people are going to make a lot of noise. But under the noise, Gov. Scott Walker was able to swiftly yet quietly eliminate a program that this state’s students are in dire need of — the Wisconsin Covenant Scholars program. [La Crosse Tribune]