Compact Deal Finally Reached
In 2005 Great Lakes Governors signed off on an agreement to protect our region’s most important asset, the Great Lakes. To be implemented the compact had to be approved by all of the Great Lakes state legislatures. Earlier this year the Wisconsin State Senate finally approved the compact by an overwhelming 26-6 vote. Unfortunately the Assembly leadership put the breaks on approving the compact and allowed the legislative session to end without taking a vote on it.
At a press conference in New Berlin today, Governor Doyle, Rep. Scott Gunderson (R-Waterford), and Senator Mark Miller (D-Monona)announced that a deal had been struck on the compact. All of the details have not been fully laid out but it appears that Wisconsin will finally join the other states in ratifying this important agreement to protect our most valuable resource. Understanding the urgency of the situation, Governor Doyle has called for a special session on April 17, to vote on the compact. There should be no more delay, the legislature should finally ratify the Great Lakes Compact.