Dan Feyen Vote Threatens Defense Contracting Jobs in Oshkosh
‘New Senator Puts Right-Wing Ideology Over Jobs of Wisconsin Workers’

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements about Sen. Dan Feyen (R-Fond du Lac) voting in favor of a Constitutional Convention scheme which could ultimately cost companies like Oshkosh Corporation government defense contracts and cost workers in Feyen’s district their jobs.
“Dan Feyen put right-wing ideology before the jobs of Wisconsin workers in his own Senate district with his vote today for a Constitutional convention.
“Dan Feyen failed to see how the constitutional amendment he wants could result in billions of dollars lost for Wisconsin businesses and the loss of tens of thousands of hardworking Wisconsin jobs by mandating cuts to the federal budget, including defense contracting.
“Apparently, Dan Feyen is unaware that defense contracting employs 24,000 in Wisconsin alone – just for 200 Wisconsin companies which support aerospace. Add to that places like Oshkosh Corporation, which just received $700 million in new military business, or Marinette Marine.
“Dan Feyen’s scheme for rewriting the U.S. Constitution is a terrible idea because of the threat to American Democracy, the threat to our country’s Homeland Security and as it turns out the jobs of tens of thousands of hardworking Wisconsin men and women.”