Dems join peace groups in Afghanistan protest
It’s not exactly man bites dog — maybe it’s more like dog bites itself — but Milwaukee Democrats will join peace activists Wednesday in expressing their concerns about President Obama’s plan to send additional American troops to Afghanistan, and Sen. Russ Feingold already has weighed in against the Obama plan.
A rally and response to Obama’s speech is planned at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 2, in front of the ‘blue’ federal building at 3rd Street and Wisconsin Avenue.
Speakers will include the new chair of the Democratic Party of Milwaukee County, Sachin Chheda, as well as representatives of Peace Action Wisconsin, Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), and UW-Milwaukee Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). State and local Democrats have passed resolutions against sending Wisconsin National Guard troops to fight in undeclared wars.
The event is sponsored by the Milwaukee Coalition for a Just Peace, which, in addition to Peace Action, SDS and IVAW, also includes local chapters of U.S. Labor Against the War, Progressive Students of Milwaukee, National Lawyers Guild, Casa Maria Catholic Worker, Green Party, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Socialist Party, Iraq Moratorium, Voces de la Frontera, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Faith Community for Social Justice, Service Employees Local 1, Democracy Matters, Citizens for Global Solutions, Milwaukee Impeachment Committee, Arab Students Assn.-Marquette, American Muslims for Palestine, Catholics for Peace and Justice, and United Nations Association. The Democratic Party of Milwaukee County and Progressive Democrats of America Southeast Wisconsin are co-sponsors.